
Let The Word Of God Refresh You

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. We made it to the beginning of another blessed week and we should be thanking and praising our Heavenly Father. Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus.

Have you ever payed attention to the trees and all of the greenery around you after a good rain. I have been in the country for the past month and enjoying some Spring showers here and there. As I was out on my walk after it had rained, I noticed how bright and vibrant the colors were. Especially the leaves on the trees and all of the green plants and flowers. The green was brighter than it had been before the rain because it had been washed. All of the dust and pollen had been washed away and the colors were amazingly noticeable.

That’s how we should be after we have been in the Word of God, reading, studying and being refreshed. Every morning as God’s grace and mercy is new, so we should be new as well. Being washed and cleansed by the Word of God, being made more vibrant and alive than the day before. Cleansing us from the inside out and refreshing us. This is why we need to be in the Word every day and spending that time with God so that He can remove all of the old and refill us with the new. Just as water that sits for a long time and doesn’t move, it becomes stagnant. When we are sit for a long time and do nothing with what God puts in us, it become stagnant just like that water. The Bible tells us to not just be hearers of the Word but doers of the Word. James 1:22 reads, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

Not only does the Word of God wash and cleanse us from the inside out, it makes us feel alive. It fills us with that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. The Word should be to Christians like vitamins are to the world. Giving us the energy, strength, and the get up and go to do whatever it is we need to do. Only the Word of God is so much better than a vitamin and much more energized, especially getting it through the Blood of Jesus. There is nothing in this world that can compare to the Word and the Blood of Jesus, nothing.

Whatever it is you are in need of, you can find it in the Word of God. Whatever you need to be washed and cleansed of, get in the Word. It doesn’t matter what it is, a good dose of the Word is all you need. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Thanking You for another opportunity to come before You with all praise and thanksgiving. Father thank You for Your grace and mercy which is new every morning. Thank You for taking away the old and filling us with the new every morning., refreshing us. You are an amazing God and we love You so much. Thank You for all You do and for who You are. Amen
