
Let Them Talk And Laugh

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Today is another beautiful day, a little cool but still a beautiful day. I pray you and your family started this day with God and ready to be blessed and be a blessing. Thank You Jesus.

In Monday’s post, I talked about Nehemiah and his obedience to God, even when his enemies came against him. It didn’t matter what they said or how they questioned his actions, he still did what God had told him to do. Because of his disobedience, God had his back through it all. Today I want to talk about another person that God chose to do a job, but this time instead of enemies it was friends, neighbors nd family that laughed and made fun of him. Yes, you already know who I am talking about, Noah.

Now, I am sure you know who Noah is, but if not please read about him in Genesis. He was a man that God chose to build the ark and gave him all of the instructions from the beginning to the end. This was a very important job and God needed someone He could trust to do it and someone that would be obedient enough to get it done. God had gotten to the point that He was very disappointed in all of the people on earth. Genesis 6:6-7 reads, “And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” Genesis 6:13 reads, “And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” God then told Noah to build an ark and gave him the blue prints according to His plans.

When you read about Noah, you will find that he pleased God. He was a God fearing man and a praying man who lived to please God. He was obedient and did what God told him to do, even when he was laughed at, talked about and mocked by friends and family. Noah didn’t pay them any attention when they stood around laughing at him and saying he was crazy for building a boat and there was no rain. All of his neighbors gathered around him and his family as they worked getting the ark ready, laughing and making fun of them. Even though there was no gray clouds in the sky, no distant thunder, no lightning, nothing that looked like and approaching rain storm. Little did they know that Noah and his family would be saved from the destruction that was about to come upon them.

This is why you shouldn’t always share with others what God has shared with you. As I said before, if they are not on that spiritual level you are on, they will not understand. With them not understanding, they may say or do something that will cause you to stumble and miss your blessing. You know those times when we know what God put in our heart to do and we will let someone get in our ear and then we start to second guess what God said. Nehemiah and Noah both were faced with other people talking against what God had instructed them to do, but they stood their ground and were obedient. That is how we have to be, stand our ground no matter what and be obedient to God, even if we don’t understand it or if it doesn’t make sense. God doesn’t expect us to always understand His instructions, He just expects us to obey them.

In both of these stories, both men were victorious in their obedience to God. Nehemiah got the wall built with success. Noah and his family were saved from the rain that poured down for forty days and forty nights that resulted in the worst flood ever. All of those friends, family and neighbors that stood around laughing and making fun of Noah were now under water. Dr. Charles Stanley put it this way, “Obedience is the cornerstone to our faith in God. While Noah’s obedience led to God’s blessing and reward, the disobedience of his contemporaries led to their destruction. At the time of the flood, the physical salvation of mankind fell to Noah and his willingness to be used by God.” Now, that was very well said Dr. Stanley. We see in this that Noah building the ark did not bring him any closer to God than he already was, it was his obedience and faith in God that brought him closer. God knew He could trust Noah and Noah knew God trusted him. Can God trust you do be obedient no matter what He tells you to do?

So, if someone is talking about you, laughing at you or mocking you because of something you are doing for God. Just tune them out and continue to be obedient and do what God has instructed you to do. Because God will cause you to come out on top and be victorious every time. Psalm 23:5 reads’ “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; and My cup runs over.” The many blessings of God. God Bless 🙂

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