
Let’s Talk About CHRISTmas

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you, your family and loved ones are dressed warm and cozy this morning. Going out and starting your day in the Lord, full of His grace and mercy. Praise God.

Well, Christmas is just around the corner, we have 13 more days left until the big day. There are those that are very excited and counting down the days, children and adults. Then there are those that can’t wait to sit down to a feast of good food and awesome deserts. Family gatherings, gift giving and all the toys under the beautiful trees. Children that couldn’t sleep the night before because of gifts under the tree and for the little ones that expected a visit from Santa. Being good all year so that could make sure they were on the nice list and not the naughty list. Yes, we have all been there at one time or another.

If you noticed in the title of this blog, I capitalized the first 6 letters of Christmas. Why, because Christ is the reason for this very special holiday. Actually, it is a very special Birthday we are celebrating, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now, when Jesus was born the Magi did bring gifts, because He was a baby and He was a King. So, when you went before a King, you never went empty handed, you always brought a gift. They went with gifts in celebrating the birth of a King, our King.

How many of us actually remember what this day is all about in the midst of all that will be going on. Does anyone stop to acknowledge Jesus on His Birthday and say, “Happy Birthday Jesus?” Jesus gave us the greatest gift we could ever receive and that was the precious gift of Salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 reads, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” So, our main reason for gift giving should be in honor of or Lord and Savior and King, Jesus Christ.

The world has turned this very special day into another commercialized and materialistic day and it is so much more than that. Let’s look past what the world sees and look to what God sees, CHRISTmas and King Jesus Christ, the real reason for the season. The real Christmas tree is the tree that Jesus hung on and gave His life for all of us. So, when you get up on Christmas morning, don’t forget to acknowledge why this day is being celebrated. Give the gift of your life to the One that gave you the gift of His life and Salvation. Whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday, acknowledge who He is, our Lord and Savior and King. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior and King. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belong to You. Father, we just want to take the time to say thank You for giving us the greatest gift of all and that was Your Son Jesus Christ. In His love for us, He gave His life and the gift of Salvation and we are so ever grateful and thankful. Help us to remember the real true reason for the season we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thank You for the greatest gift of all. Amen

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