
Listening To The Word As You Sleep

Good Monday Morning Blog Family and Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day. I pray everyone had a restful and weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. Part of my weekend was a little snowy and so is this morning. So, if you are have snow as well, please bundle up and stay warm if you have to get out in the weather. Praise God.

This morning I got up and said my prayers and talked to God about my day, read my devotions. I took a minute to fix me some breakfast, a hot bowl of oatmeal, wheat toast and turkey bacon. A very good and warm breakfast for a very cold and snowy morning. Eating breakfast as I write my blog for today. Saving that good cup of coffee for my Bible reading a little bit later in the morning, coffee with Jesus.

I was asking the Holy Spirit what I was to talk about in my blog this morning and He just dropped it in my Spirit. I will be reading scripture or going back to read over something in a devotion that I previously read to see if anything jumps out at me that I can share in my blog. This morning as I was doing that, He gave me something that I believe I am to share with all of you. Thank You Holy Spirit.

I have found that whenever I am not feeling well or something is heavy on my mind and heart, going to the Word of God always helps. Now, don’t misunderstand what I just said, I said “going to the Word of God always helps, I did not say my issue was immediately fixed.” There have been times that something was weighing me down and I would go to God in prayer and or read my Bible and God gives my a scripture or a scripture jumps off the page as I am reading the Word. That is always a comfort to me to have my Heavenly Father to speak to me through scripture. It always makes me feel very loved by Him because He took the time to speak to me about whatever is going on with me.

I have gotten in the habit of going to bed at night listening to scriptures being read on my tv. I was sick with something from Thanksgiving to January, about a month and a half. I was taking covid tests once a week to make sure I did not have covid and the test were always negative. So, I figured I must have the flu so I started taking flu medications. After the flu medications were not helping much, I thought maybe it was my sinus and allergies flaring up because they can get pretty bad. So, then I started taking allergy and sinus medications which wasn’t helping much either. Long story short, I ended up going to see my doctor and was give a covid and flu test which both were negative, ended up having a bad sinus infection. I was given antibiotics to clear the infection up and now I am doing a lot better, almost back to 100%.

I said all of that to say this, even thought the medication wasn’t doing all that I was praying it would do. When I would lay down at night and turn my healing scriptures on and lay there and listen to them, I would be able to rest and fall asleep. Even though I was still sick and feeling bad, the Word of God would always sooth me and calm everything down so I could the rest that I needed. When I tell you everything we need is in the Bible, in the scriptures that we are given to stand on. God know what our bodies need even if we don’t. I would read my Bible during the day and listen to my scriptures at night and it was amazing how calm I felt, in the midst of net feeling well. God is amazing.

I know a lot of people sleep with their tv’s on at night, or fall asleep watching their favorite show, and some use the tv as a night light. Whatever your reason may be to have your tv on at night while you sleep, put it on the Word of God. It doesn’t have to be your tv, it can even be your phone because I was listening to my healing scriptures last night on my phone as I slept. Listening to the Word of God while you sleep not only makes for a good night sleep, also you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your morning with God. What goes into your ears affects you more than you think it does, start paying attention to what you are listening to most of the time, especially when you are sleeping.

This is what I have learned and know to be the truth. Just as you eat to feed yourself when you are hungry and the you are satisfied. Reading or listening to the Word of God feeds your Spirit Man because His hunger is satisfied with scripture, food for the soul. When the Word is constantly going into you, it will be there to come out of you at the time you need it to come out. The Word of God is being uploaded into your heart whenever you read or listen to it, especially while you are sleeping. So, when you go to bed tonight, put on some scripture and have the best night sleep ever. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving you all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Father, we thank You for Your Holy Word that You have so graciously blessed us with. Leading and guiding us every step of the way on this journey you have placed us on. Help us to make time to sit and read or listen to scripture and to even take time to memorize scripture. We never know when we may need a scripture and not have our Bible with us. Thank You Father and we love You so much. Amen