
Living Your Best Life

Good Monday Morning Blog Family, praying you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready to start a new week with the Lord this morning, full of His grace and mercy. Expecting great and mighty things to happen today in your walk with Him. Praise God.

Today I want to talk to you about living your best life, not just today but every day. You hear a lot of people talk about living their best life and see a lot of advertisements about living your best life. Which is normally talking about something really great going on in your life at that time. Making a very good living, owning all the things you have always wanted, the big house, the luxury car, the man or woman of your dreams, the dream job, everything is good. Well, this weekend I was talking to my son and he made the statement about me being happy and living my best life right now. My response to him was, “yes, I am living my best life, I have God and I am with my husband.” He said, “Mama, you just said a word and made a very loud shout in my ear, lol.” Anyway, this morning I opened my lap top to start on my blog and I asked the Holy Spirit what He would have me blog about this morning and living your best life came to mind. So, living your best life it is.

To me, belonging to God and putting Him first in your life, before anybody or anything is living your best life. You have a Heavenly Father who adores you and loves you unconditionally, no matter what. Living your best life is not the material things that you have or the way the world describes it. Living your best life is belonging to God, being taught by the Holy Spirit, accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, being obedient, having faith. trusting God, staying on the path that was chosen for you and I could go on and on. There is no better life than the life of a true Christian and allowing God to lead and guide you. Yes, we still have our issues, but they are a lot easier to handle knowing that God is with us and will get us through whatever the issue may be. Our lives may not turn out the way we planned, but God’s plan for our lives are so much more, better than anything we could have imagined.

I think about all of the times I have seen God’s Hands move in my life, during the good times and the not so good times. People think that because you are a Christian, your life is pretty boring because you can’t do much of anything fun. Just read the Bible, go to church, listen to praise and worship music, always praying and talking to God. Well, to me that is not a boring life, but a life full of the grace and mercy of God. Being obedient and doing what He instructs us to do in HIs Holy Word. No, we may not go to clubs and party, dance and drink and do all of what the world calls fun. Although, if you have never experienced a real true Holy Ghost party, being drunk in the spirit or dancing before the Lord, you don’t know what you are missing. Trust me, God was hosting Holy Ghost parties way before the world started partying and He did it the right way. This is what I have heard from Christians having fun in the Lord, “Ain’t no party like a Holy Ghost Party, cause a Holy Ghost party don’t stop.” This is so true, being filled with the Holy Spirit is non-stop and it is amazing. Trust me on this one.

We have all experienced waking up in the middle of the night and needing someone to talk with, God is there waiting for you to start the conversation. He is the best listener ever and He always makes time for us, no matter what time, day or night it may be. Can you honestly say that you have a friend that would do the things for you that God does for you. Now, don’t get me wrong, there a lot of good Christian friends out there that will be there for you no matter what, but God does it so much better than they ever could. Proverbs 18:24 reads, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly,… But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” His name is Jesus. Even when you don’t know God is working in your life, He is. He said in His Word that He would never leave or nor forsake us, He would always be with us. So, don’t you think this would set the stage for you living your best life? Yes, the very best.

So, the next time you hear someone talk about living their best life, the door has been opened for you to talk about living your best life, with Jesus. God Bless 🙂