
Lord, Thank You For Giving Me Dove’s Eyes

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week so far and will continue to do so in the Lord. Full of all of His blessings and joy. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus.

If you have never heard praise and worship by Tasha Cobb Leonard, I suggest you pull up some of her music and listen to it. She is so amazing and anointed and she ushers you right into the presence of God. I can’t even begin to explain it, you just have to experience if for yourself.

So, back to the song I wanted to talk about this morning. The name of the song is “Give Me Dove’s Eyes.” In listening to the song, I began to wonder what was the connection with dove’s eyes. As I researched the meaning of dove’s eyes, I felt this is what I needed to blog about this morning. Because I asked the Holy Spirit during my prayer time for my blog information and soon after, it was impressed upon my heart to find out about these dove’s eyes. After my research I knew immediately this is what I was supposed to blog about.

The part of the song that made me wonder about dove’s eyes says, “I don ‘t want to talk about You like You’re not in the room. I want to look right at You to sing right to You. I believe that You are listening. I believe that You move at the sound of my voice. Give me dove’s eyes. Give me undistracted devotion for only You.” I looked up three things, dove’s eyes, undistracted and devotion. The meaning of dove’s eyes is “having very soft gentle eyes.” The dove can only focus on one thing at a time, so it always has a singular focus. Undistracted means “to be able to concentrate fully on something and not be distracted.” Devotion means “love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause.”

So, when you put all of my research together, you get a person with soft gentle eyes that focuses on one thing at a time with love, loyalty and enthusiasm. This is how I believe we are to go before our Heavenly Father, with dove’s eyes. Go before Him with soft gentle eyes, focused on Him only with true and sincere love for Him and no distractions. True and sincere undistracted devotion. Get before Him, focused on Him and your time spent with Him, nothing else. Put on some anointed praise and worship music and do just that, praise and worship our Heavenly Father. Trust me, once you have been ushered into His presence, you will not want to leave. There is no other place I would rather be than in the presence of my Heavenly Father, just me and Him.

Wow, it is so amazing when the Holy Spirit gives me what I am to blog about. Because it is not just for you, it is for me too. After I finish typing I sit back and read it and I am always amazed and blessed. Because I know this could not be done without Him. I am just a vessel in which He chose to use and I am so thankful He chose to use me. I pray that you enjoy reading my blogs as much I enjoy writing them. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Father, thank You so much for all of the love that You show and give us during time spent with You. Thank You for allowing us to be in Your presence whenever we need to be in Your presence. You are such an amazing God and we thank You and love You so much. Amen