
Loving Like Jesus Loves

Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray that everyone will have a blessed and God filled week and remember to be a blessing to someone. Praise God.

I wanted to start out by sharing a little bit of the sermon from church a few Sunday mornings back. It was a very good point made and it brought a question to mind. The Minister was talking about that four letter word “Love.” Do we pick and choose who we love or do we love everybody as the Bible instructs us to do? Are we really true Christians that love others the way Jesus loves them and us, no matter what?

There are some people that we love being around, having conversation with, just a joy to be in their company. Then there are those people that you go the other way if you see them before they see you. You don’t care for them at all. As the Minister said, all we need is real love and that is for everybody, not just certain people. Remember, we were not always where we are now in our Christian walk and Jesus still loved us. He loved us so much that He went to the cross for us, knowing some wouldn’t even accept Him or what He did for the. He loves them anyway.

When Jesus went to the cross and gave His life because He loved us so much. It wasn’t for certain people, it was for all people. It was for the lovable and the unlovable. We shouldn’t pick and choose who we love. We should love everyone and let God deal with their imperfections and issues. I’m sure there were times in our lives we weren’t easy to love, but Jesus loved us anyway. This is the same way we have to see others and just love them as Jesus does.

So, the people you don’t like talking with, being around, don’t like, or whatever the reason. Stop and think, what would Jesus do? Then do what Jesus would do, love them anyway. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Thanking You for all that You are doing in the lives of your children. Teaching us what real love is and what real love looks like in the form of Jesus. We love You so much and want to love others the way You love us. Amen

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