
Make Time To Be In The Presence Of God

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and what a beautiful morning it is. Another day to show our Heavenly Father how thankful, grateful and appreciative we are of Him, all that He does and who He is to us, His children. Thank You Jesus.

So, today going back to some of the devotion I was talking about in yesterday’s post from Brother Lawrence’s book titled “The Practice Of The Presence Of God.” He was talking about how God was so much closer to us than we could ever imagine. When I sit and have my time with God, that is one of the things that I talk to Him about. Is how close I want to be to Him, and not just some of the time but all of the time. I want to be so close to God that I can continuously feel His presence all around me.

Being in the presence of God is where any true Christian Believer would want to be, at least that is my opinion. This is not for God’s benefit, although He loves being with His children. This is more for our benefit and I will tell you why. When you get before God and get in His presence, there is joy, peace, comfort, protection, love, healing and on and on. Take a minute and look up what some of the benefits of being in the presence of God. I only named a few, but there are so many more. It is truly amazing and a blessing.

Brother Lawrence says this, “Whatever we do, even if we are reading the Word or praying, we should stop for a few minutes – as often as possible – to praise God from the depths of our hearts, to enjoy Him there in secret. Since we believe that God is always with us, no matter what we may be doing, why shouldn’t we stop for a while to adore Him, to praise Him, to offer Him our hearts, and to thank Him?” So, taking time out during your busy day and step into that quiet secret place with our Heavenly Father would be so worth it. God would spending time with His beloved child and we would be spending time with our beloved Father. I don’t think it could get any better than that.

We can make time for all sorts of things in our every day lives, from sporting events, social gatherings, children activities, family fun and vacations. When was the last time you planned for some time for just you and God. Getting in a quiet place with your Bible, some praise and worship music, a tablet and pen and an open heart and mind. Maybe light a candle and get a cup of tea or coffee and get in that secret place where you and God meet. Even during the day at work or school, make plans to have lunch with God and give Him that hour in return for His presence. There are so many ways you can plan for to make time for the One who makes time for you day or night.

As parents, we sometimes don’t even have time for each other when we have a family. So, we make plans to have a date night, getting a babysitter for the kids and making that night all about us. Take that same energy and make those same arrangements for you and your Heavenly Father. It really boils down to what is important to you, because we will make time for what is important to us. Move God to the top of your importance list and start with Him and see your life change for the better. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for not just what You do, but for who You are in the lives of Your children. You are such and amazing and awesome Father and we love You so much. Help us to have that deep desire in our hearts to want to get before You and sit in Your presence. Even when we might not have the words to say, we can just sit in Your presence and allow You to do what only God can do. Amen.