
My Divine Appointment At The Lake

Good Monday Morning Blog Family and how is everyone doing this beautiful morning? I pray you and your families are still safe and blessed in the Lord. Praise God.

Well, this morning I would like to share a little bit about my wonderful weekend. I had the pleasure and honor of spending the weekend with 7 of my Sisters in Christ and it was amazing. Not knowing at the time I was planning to go that it was not just for fun but it was a Divine Appointment for me. I had been talking to my Heavenly Father about some health issues I was going through and seeking some answers and understanding. Now, without me saying it, we all know that He does not always answer us the way we expect Him to and nor at the time we expect Him to. Although, we know that He is always right on time, never late, ever.

So, one of my Sisters had been through what I am now going through and we talked for a while and she helped me so much with the questions and understanding. Then one of my Sister-in-Loves daughter had gone through the same thing and she was able to share a lot of much needed information with me as well. It amazes me how God orchestrates things sometimes to get us what we need when we need it. I thought I was goin on our Girl’s weekend trip to the lake to have some fun and relaxation with my Sisters, not knowing God had thrown a little extra in there as well. I love my Heavenly Father so much and the way He looks our for me and takes care of me. I know, that I know, that I know that He loves me and He cares for me. I am so grateful and so thankful for my Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

There is nothing like getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life with the people you love and just relax, have fun and enjoy. Making sure to keep Jesus in the midst, never, ever leave Him out. He said He would never leave us nor forsake us and He was right there in the midst of our weekend and we felt it. Toward the end of our trip on Sunday afternoon, we all went out on the patio with the beautiful lake in view and each shared what we had received that weekend and it was amazing. A few tears were shed but they were tears of joy, it was beautiful to hear and to see how God had moved in each of our lives this weekend.

God loves us and He is always there for us and no matter what we may be going through, someone else has experienced it or experiencing it. People that you love and trust, talk with them and you may find that God has set up a Divine appointment for you, just as He did for me. I will never, ever forget this weekend and how it has affected my life. You know what happens when praying and God fearing daughters of God get together, things change and prayers are answered. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the glory and all of the honor. You are such an amazing Father and we love You so much. Thank You for this weekend and for our Diving appointment to meet You at the lake, it was truly amazing. You showed up and showed out in each of your Daughters lives and we are forever grateful. Amen