
My Early Morning Meetings

Good Morning Blog Family. Praying that you started your day with the Father this morning. It’s always a blessing to go before Him before moving on with your day. Praise God.

Have you ever been awaken in the early morning hours from a good sleep and fully awake? Not rubbing your eyes or yawning a lot, but fully awake? I heard a pastor say this is God waking you up to meet with you. So, when this happens you should get up and spend that time with God.

Well, a few years ago this was happening to me every night at the same time. It didn’t matter how deep of a sleep I was in, I would just wake up. One night I thought about what this pastor said and I decided to see for myself.

So, when I would wake up, I would get up, get my Bible and go into the living room. I would sit in my recliner that was next to my husband’s recliner and I would imagine God sitting there. I would acknowledge Him being there with a little praise and worship, followed by prayer. Then I would thank Him for giving me the opportunity to spend that personal time with Him every morning. It made me feel very special that He chose to meet with me every morning.

We would actually have conversations during this time and that was so amazing. I would talk to Him about whatever was on my heart or things I may have been going through. He would immediately give me a scripture, the exact scripture that I needed and I would get so excited. These meetings went on for a while but eventually ended. This is something that I will never, ever forget.

This is why obedience to God is so important. Even if you don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense to you, just do it anyway. Because God knows what He’s doing and He knows what you need. I think about what I would have missed out on if I had not gotten up and spent that time with Him. I may have lost some good sleep, but look at what I gained in return.

So, if you are being awaken at the same time in the early morning hours, every morning. Get up and make that early morning meeting with God. He wants to spend some time with you and you will be blessed. Have a Blessed and God filled weekend 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for those early morning meetings with You. Thank You for loving us so much and showing in so many different ways. You are an amazing God and Father. We love you. Amen