
My God Walks With Me And He Talks With Me

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family and how’s everyone doing this morning? It is very cloudy and cool where I am and a beautiful morning. I would like to apologize for there not being a blog Monday, but I was in the midst of traveling to the country and when I arrived I started doing things and just forgot I had not posted my blog. When I realized that, I sat down to write my blog and could not access my computer due to the tower being worked on, so I had no internet service. Praise God, we are up and running this morning. Thank You Jesus.

Well, I pray that your week started off in line with the Word of God yesterday. As I said I was traveling to the country yesterday morning. As you know I am on the truck with my husband now and enjoying every minute of it. I usually go with him from time to time and stay a few weeks and then back home. Now I am on it full time and let me tell you, it has been an amazing 3 months. Although, I am off of the truck for a few weeks and enjoying the country. I got up this morning and did my walk, praying and then listening to my praise music during my walk and it was just unbelievable. Which brings me to what I wanted to blog about this morning.

Now that the weather is warming up and everything that has been asleep is now waking up. The trees are turning green, flowers are blooming, squirrels running around, birds chirping and beautiful sunshine. I encourage you to get outside and see nature come alive and enjoy all of the beautiful sights and scents of Spring. I always look forward to going to the country for those exact reasons, to enjoy what God has blessed us with. God’s creation is amazing and when you can see God in it all, it even becomes more amazing. When I hear the birds chirping early in the morning, I know they are praising Him for another beautiful day. So, we just praise Him together, because we all have so many things to praise Him for.

When you take the time to just stop for a second and look around, God has given us so much . Even the things that we may take for granted. God is such a loving and giving Father and He loves blessing His children in so many ways. His blessings comes to us in so many different ways, it’s not just finances and healings or whatever we are praying for Him to do. His many blessings also comes in the form of all of the beauty around us. The peace and love we can feel by taking a walk or sitting out side and spending some quality time with Him. Engaging in a conversation with our Heavenly Father, not asking for anything, just having a Father and child talk.

This morning I got up and got dressed and went out for my morning walk and exercise. I usually walk for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. Sometimes when God gives me that burst of energy after I have walked for 30 minutes I will walk a little longer. So, I set my timer and started walking and doing my morning prayer and talking to God about my day and praying for what’s on my heart. Then I will turn my praise music on after my prayer and talk time with my Father. Now, when I am on the truck, I get up in the mornings and have my time with God and I have exercises I do on the truck. When you can do those same things outside in the midst of God’s creation and the open sky is above you, my God, my God. It is so amazing at the feelings that comes over you when you are singing and praising God with lifted hands to the open sky. Whew, sometimes I just get caught up in all of that and I just don’t want to stop. I don’t want to leave that place of worshiping in the presence of my God. It is truly amazing, because I know He is walking right there beside me. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I am sure you remember the old hymn, “In The Garden,” which I have put a verse from the song below to describe what my morning walk was like with my Father:

And He walks with me

And He talks with me

And He tells me I am His own,

And the joy we share as we tarry there

None other has ever known

Now, you can understand and know how my walk was this morning. So, make some time to get outside and spend some time with God. Take a walk or just sit outside and read your Bible or listen to some good praise and worship music. If you are at work, have lunch with God and get outside, even if you have to sit in your car. Whatever or however you decide to do it, just do it. You will be so glad you did and you will be so blessed. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Your Son and our Lord and Savior, giving You all of us. Father, we ask You to help us to see You in everything that You have given us, especially all of the beauty in Your creation. Give us the desire to get out and enjoy the beautiful nature all around us and just walk and talk with you and Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden. Father, thank You for Your beautiful creation. Amen