
Our Guardian Angels

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. How is everyone doing this beautiful November morning? I pray this blog finds you and your family highly favored and blessed in the Lord. Just a little reminder this morning, if you have not cast your presidential vote, you only have two days left. So, please make time today or tomorrow to vote. Praise God.

This morning during my prayer time, I was thanking God for my angels that are encamped around about me as I do every morning. As I was thanking God, he brought a memory to my mind that I would like to share with you this morning. My Mother kept a little red spiral notebook in her purse and it was used for a number of things. She would write little notes, her grocery list and other little things in it she didn’t want to forget. In the back of this little red spiral, she used as her journal. This is where she wrote her testimonies, her prayers and other priceless little gems.

I remember her telling me about something that happened to her one night and when I was reading through this little read spiral, I came across what she wrote about that night. This is what I would like to share with you, “Last week I had an experience in the Spirit Realm. The Lord let me have a glimpse into the Spirit Realm. I saw this angel with all this armor on, standing and watching me while I was sleeping. Today the test and the trial came. The devil came against me very strong, but greater is He that’s in me than He that’s in the world. The angel that I saw watching me, I learned there’s 10,000 more that’s watching over me and working in my behalf. It’s more of them with me than with them. By faith, I have already overcome and already have the victory in Christ Jesus. “

Now, I have to tell you. When she told me about that night, I thought about if for a long time after that conversation. When I read about it in her little red spiral notebook, it stirred up those same feelings I had when she first told me about that night. Even though my Mother is in her Heavenly home, she still speaks to me in a lot of little ways every day. I believe she was reminding me this morning about the angels. In which I am reminding all of your about our Guardian Angels that are encamped around about us daily. Psalm 91:11-12 reads, “(11)For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. (12)In their hands they will bear you up, Lest you dash you foot against a stone.”

So, make sure in your prayer time each morning, you don’t forget to thank God for your Guardian Angels. Because they are always at work going ahead of you making sure your paths are straight and safe. Keeping harm and danger away from you and your loved ones. Watching over us while we are sleeping every night. They are always on assignments from our Heavenly Father on a daily basis, watching over and guarding us. Exodus 23:20 reads, “Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” Our angels are always watching and protecting us even when we don’t know it. I thank God every day for my angels and you should too. God Bless 🙂


  • Callie Brown

    Absolutely beautiful memories, it took me to memories of your mom. Thank you for encouraging us to be aware of our guardian Angels. So comforting to know we are always protected. Jesus said in this world there will be trouble, therefore we should expect it, but Jesus said He will bring peace out of our troubles. So we only need to trust Him in our troubles.. what’s great lesson for us today.. thank you!

  • Jackie Williams

    I just read this today. And funny I was thinking about Guardian Angels all yesterday. We definitely gonna need them after this election results