
Our Spiritual Review

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s inside and staying warm. We started out the week without power so I am now just able to post my blog. Although the snow scenery is breath taking, it can also be very dangerous. So, if you have to be out in this weather, please, please, please be very careful.

One morning as I was talking with my daughter on the phone, I was listening to a conversation she was having with her son about his school lesson. Her children are doing virtual learning from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She was explaining to him the purpose of reviews that were given to him by his teachers before a test. Of course, he already knew the purpose of the review, he was just trying to get out of doing it.

As she was talking to him, I thought about our Spiritual reviews that are set before us everyday. Because when you think about our lives, God has prepared us for anything that is set before us. The Bible is our review and when we read and study it, we are well prepared when the real tests come. Although, tests will come in the many different ways, but whichever way it comes, God has already prepared us.

The Word of God, the Bible is our life test review and when we read and study it on a daily basis. We can withstand anything, because we have already been given the answer to the test to go over and review. Then when it’s time to take the real test, we can pass it with flying colors. Because we studied the review given and we were prepared. God does not give us anything that He doesn’t first prepare us for. He always keeps us ready and prepared for life if we listen and follow His instructions.

God is never caught off guard nor surprised at anything that comes at us. If we continue to read, study and go over our review, we will be ready for any test and any time. Even those pop up quizzes that are sometimes given that we aren’t warned about. Remember in school when we would go over a certain chapter all week and at the end of the week the teacher would surprise us with a pop quiz. Now, if we had paid attention all week as we were reviewing the chapter, we would pass the test with no problem. If we had not paid attention, then we would fail the test. So, it is up to you whether you pass or fail life’s test. It all depends on whether or not you paid attention during the review.

So, make sure you take advantage of the reviews that are set before you and stay prepared for life’s tests. Sometimes you will have to sit down and read the reviews and sometimes you may have to listen and take notes. Whichever way the Teacher gives the reviews, pay close attention and be ready to pass the test. God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • Callie Brown

    God will try the faith of His People to make sure we are trusting Him and for us to know that He is the only one we can totally trust., therefore we have to stay in His Word to stay alert to what He is saying to us! Very good blog lesson today!