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    Lord, Thank You For Giving Me Dove’s Eyes

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week so far and will continue to do so in the Lord. Full of all of His blessings and joy. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. If you have never heard praise and worship by Tasha Cobb Leonard, I suggest you pull up some of her music and listen to it. She is so amazing and anointed and she ushers you right into the presence of God. I can’t even begin to explain it, you just have to experience if for yourself. So, back to the song I wanted to talk about this morning. The name of the song…

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    What Goes In Will Come Out

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Well, here we are again at the beginning of a new week. Praying everyone started your week with God. Looking forward to and expecting Him to do great things in you and through you this week. Praise God. I have a question for you this morning. Have you ever just stopped in the middle of whatever you were doing and started praising and worshipping God? I asked that question, because I find myself doing it all through the day, all of the time. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing, there is always praise and worship on my lips and coming…

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    Have a Fun And Safe Labor Day

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone has a safe and blessed day today, whatever it is you may be doing today. Today is Labor day and lot of people are off work today and enjoying the outdoors and this beautiful weather. Please remember there are a lot of causes out there to continue to wear masks and wash hands. So, with that in mind, keep you and your loved ones safe and enjoy some good family time outdoors. Get in the backyard if you have one and have a great family day, full of love and laughing and eating. Now, if you don’t have a backyard, there are plenty…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had an awesome week in the Lord. Well, as we all know today is Friday’s Prayer and this morning I will be praying another Psalm. During my Bible reading I always read something that I feel in my heart to share and that would make a good prayer. So, please join in with me as I pray Psalm 138. Psalm 138 Of David. 1 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;    before the “gods” I will sing your praise.2 I will bow down toward your holy temple    and will praise your name    for your unfailing love and your faithfulness,for you have so exalted your solemn decree    that it surpasses…

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    Trusting God In And With Everything

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying all of you are having an awesome day in the Lord, allowing Him to lead and guide you through your day. Praise God. Proverbs 3:5-6 reads (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (6) in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. When I read this scripture, it says only one thing to me. I am to trust God no matter what! No matter how big the problem may be or how bad the situation or circumstance you may be facing. Trust Him no matter what the doctor says, when there’s…

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    What A Beautiful Morning

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We have made it half way through the week and coming upon a 3 day weekend for some. Praise God. This is such a beautiful morning and I am enjoying every minute of it. Even though, I am sitting in the parking area of a doctor’s office, I am still enjoying my morning. I brought my Mother-in-Love to her appointment this morning, so I brought my tablet and my travel mug of coffee with me. Now, I am sitting here writing my blog this morning while waiting on her. The sun is shining bright and the grass is still glistening from the fallen dew. God…

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    The Bible – God’s Instructions For A Blessed Life

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week so far. Please stay prayed up, stay in the Word, stay connected to God and continue to be a blessing to others. Thank You Jesus. I’ve heard people say that the letters BIBLE stands for “Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”  Well when you read and study your Bible, that’s exactly what it is, Gods instructions to us on how to live a Godly Christian Life, the way He intended.  A blessed life, Godly and prayer filled homes, happy marriages, respectful children, abundant finances, good health and love over flowing.  Then we decided we don’t have time to sit…

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    To The Children of God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for another God led week. I say God led because I pray you had some time with Him this morning to find about your upcoming week. With God knowing and seeing all, how could you not have a great week if you consulted Him first. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to share some more of what Paul had to say when He was writing to the people in Ephesus. It is such a beautiful expression of God’s love for us and all that we have from Him as His children. I…

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    Friday’s Prayer – This Is Our Wake Up Call

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well and still in good Spirits. Having your daily time and prayer with our Heavenly Father every morning and through out the day. If you do not spend time with God in prayer, now is a good time to start. Also, have a safe and blessed weekend, enjoy. Praise the name of Jesus. As you all know, I usually just post a prayer for Friday’s Prayer, but today I want to do a little something different. I just want to speak a little bit this morning about your salvation and your relationship with God. I know that everyone is concerned about…

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    The Holy Spirit, Our Teacher and Comforter

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Continuing to follow, trust and obey our Heavenly Father. Praise God. This morning I would like to talk to you about the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. The Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which is one God in three Divine Persons. The Father is God, the Son is Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. So, now we can move on to talk about the third Divine Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. There was a time in my life that any…