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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. This morning it’s a little warm and getting warmer, but it is such a relaxing lazy day. I am so enjoying it, as I have all week. We have made it through another week, safe, blessed and thankful for the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Praise His Holy Name. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and I am going to post a short and simple, but powerful prayer this morning. One that you can memorize and say every morning as you start your day in the Lord. LORD, MAY I MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN ALL I DO,THE WORDS I SAY, AND THE ACTIONS I…

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    Allow God To Change You

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray you are experiencing the beautiful morning that I am experiencing. It is truly a masterpiece, absolutely breathtaking. On my morning walk once again and looking and listening to God’s creation, simply beautiful. Everything is so green and the sun’s glimmering against the dew on the grass like little diamonds sparkling. God is amazing. Before I get started this morning, I would like to take a few minutes to say thank you to all of my blog followers, my blog family. Thanking you for your support for the past 3 years I have been blogging. This month “Mornings With God” is celebrating a three…

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    Pray For All Of Your Family Everyday

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family, I pray all of you are having a blessed morning in the Lord. This is such a beautiful morning and it was started with prayer. I always start my day with my Father in prayer and conversation. This morning I started my day in prayer with my husband, mother-in-love and a family member that stopped by. We stood outside, held hands and each of us said a prayer, such a blessing. Praise God. What we did this morning is something we should be doing every morning as a family. Get up early enough in the morning so you and your family can come together in…

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    Getting Rid Of The Bad Habits

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a wonderful weekend and made it top priority to make all Mother’s feel more special than you normally do. I pray all mother’s had a blessed Mother’s day filled with all of the love you deserve. Even though my Mother is in heaven, she is still loved and greatly missed. Praise God. Well Blog Family, let’s talk about those bad habits that we have and need to get rid of. First, let’s make sure we all know what a bad habit is and that would be a negative behavior pattern that you continue to do. Which can be anything from cheating,…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week. Staying connected to God in prayer and just some good alone time with God. Just spending some good quality time with Him and being in His Presence. I know there is no other place I would rather be than in the Presence of my Heavenly Father. Praise God. I decided to re-post the Friday’s Prayer from last Friday. No one left a comment or a prayer. So, I felt in my heart I was supposed to re-post just in case someone missed it or did’t get a chance to write your prayer. We all have something…

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    Raising Your Children God’s Way

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a great day in the Lord today. Although, it’s cloudy and raining where I am, it’s still a great day in the Lord. Praise God. Today I would like to share something that my daughter wrote on her Facebook page and it needs to be shared. Whether you have school aged children or grandchildren, this is an issue we all need to be attentive to. We have to remember as parents and grandparents, all of our children are not raised in Christian homes and have no Bible values instilled in them. So, please take a minute and read what she had…

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    Forgive As You Have Been Forgiven

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone has been in the presence of the Father this morning. Praise God. Unforgiveness has many different faces. Such as anger, bitterness, grudges, and hate. Do you allow yourself to wear any of these faces? If so, not only are these faces dangerous, but they are also health hazards. I love the way Joyce Meyer describes unforgiveness in her book, Beauty for Ashes. She says “Harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die!” Wow, that pretty much says it all. You drink poison expecting it to kill the other person, not going to happen. Let’s take a look at…

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    Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family and how’s your morning? Even though my morning is rainy, cloudy and cool it is still a beautiful morning. I pray wherever you are that you are having a beautiful morning as well. Praise God. I have a question for you this morning, a little something to think about. If I asked you if you loved Jesus, what would you say? Now, if you are a Christian, I know you would say, “Yes, I love Jesus very much,” and you wouldn’t have to give it a second thought. It would just automatically come out because as a Christian we are to love Jesus. We love…

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    Let The Word Of God Refresh You

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. We made it to the beginning of another blessed week and we should be thanking and praising our Heavenly Father. Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus. Have you ever payed attention to the trees and all of the greenery around you after a good rain. I have been in the country for the past month and enjoying some Spring showers here and there. As I was out on my walk after it had rained, I noticed how bright and vibrant the colors were. Especially the leaves on the trees and all of the green plants and flowers. The green was brighter than it had been before the…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family have had a safe and blessed week. Also praying that today will be the beginning of a restful and enjoyable weekend. Putting God first and keeping Him in all that you do. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Well, as you all know, toda6thy is Friday’s Prayer, which is my favorite blog day. Although, I love posting blogs on Monday and Wednesday, talking about and sharing what I believe the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart. I look so forward to Friday’s Prayer, because I am given the opportunity to pray for whatever is put before me. Encouraging…