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    Happy New Year

    Good Saturday Evening Blog Family. I just wanted to take a few quick minutes to say, “I pray you, your families and loved ones have a safe, blessed and prosperous Happy New Year. I believe we all can agree that 2021 was a sometimes bumpy ride, but God. Yes, we are still here and still blessed. So, go into this new year with God and low Him to lead and guide you in all that you do. That’s my New Year resolution, to trust God more in everything and what I haven’t already surrendered to Him, surrender it. I suggest you do the same and make sure you have a…

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    Christmas Is Upon Us

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying all is well with you, your families and loved ones. Getting ready to get together and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Happy Birthday Jesus❤ I am in Reno, Nevada this beautiful Wednesday morning surrounded by snow covered mountains and it is absolutely breath taking. I always pray for a little snow for Christmas or at least let it be cold. It doesn’t look like we will get either this year, supposed to be in the 70’s at home. So, I am happy with the snow in Nevada. Just another 2 quick reminders. Please stay safe and remember the reason…

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    Good Morning Children of God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you and your families and lived ones are safe and blessed. I have to apologize this morning because I haven’t posted in the past couple of weeks. There has been so much going on and not being home has played a big part. So now, things are beginning to get back on track again. In the midst of our Christmas holiday, there is a new virus going around, Omicron. On top of Covid and all of it’s variances. So, please, please, please stay safe. This is the last week before Christmas and I pray we all have a safe and blessed…

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    Which Group Are You In?

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we have made it half way through the week. What a blessing. Praise God. I am having an awesome week and I pray all of you are as well. This morning I wanted to share a little scripture reading with you that I read during my Bible reading time. I have read this scripture many times before, but this time it was different. So, I decided to share it with you. The scripture reading comes from Luke 8:4-15. Luke 8: 4-15 The Parable of the Sower 4 And when a great multitude had gathered, and they had come to Him from every city, He spoke by a…

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    Sharing The Love of Jesus

    Good Monday Evening Blog Family. Well, we are starting another new week and given another chance to spread the Love of Jesus. In all things, stop and ask yourself, “What would Jesus do”? If you choose to start your week with this question, you will do the right thing every time. Praise God! So, today I would like to talk about sharing the Love of Jesus all around. The Christmas holiday season is the perfect time to do just that. But not just the Christmas season but for all year round. Spreading the Love of Jesus is basically just loving people the way Jesus loves us, just that simple. Being…

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    Happy Thanksgiving Family

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed week and ready for Thanksgiving. Grocery shopping, children out of school all week and loved ones arriving. Spending a lot of time in the kitchen cooking and baking for Thanksgiving. If you are like me, it will be a lot of work but a lot of fun all at the same time. During this time while sharing a good time and good food with our families, loved ones and friends. Let’s not forget the reason we have come together and that is to say Thank You to the One that made it all possible. In the midst of a…

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    Christians With Benefits

    Good Monday Morning. Well, we are starting a brand new week once again. Praying that you started your day with God, spending that one on one time with Him first. This morning I am re-posting a blog I did back in November of 2019, with a few additions. Why? Because sometimes we need to be reminded of just how much God loves us and all of the benefits that comes along with that amazing love. Anyone who has been employed and worked for a company has received some type of benefits. Usually health, dental, vision, life and whatever else the company offers. The company pays for a percentage and you…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning. I pray everyone’s had a blessed week and ready for a restful weekend. Well, it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and I am ready. Today I a going to pray David’s prayer for a clean heart. I was reading this in my devotion Thursday morning and I decided this would be a good Friday’s Prayer. So, please join in with me, Father God I come to You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Glory and all of the Honor. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and…

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    Finding Peace In The Wind

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far in the Lord. Because God is good all the time and all the time God is good, no matter what. He never changes and His love for His children never changes. Thank You Jesus. Well, this morning as I was standing and looking out of my back door. Coffee in hand and watching the beautiful fall colored leaves falling from the trees. It looked like it was raining leaves as the wind gently blew through the trees releasing them to fall to the ground or to just blow around in the air for a…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning Blog Family and Happy Friday to you. This has been an awesome week and I am looking forward to the weekend. I pray that you can agree with me also. Well, are you ready for Friday’s Prayer? Today I will be praying for everyone to be filled with thanksgiving to God. Please join me in this prayer. Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Honor and all of the Glory. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and…