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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe a blessed week. Heading into the weekend for some rest and relaxation. Thank You Jesus for keeping us safe and protected this week as You always do. Praise God. People of God, please, please, please continue to wear your mask when you are out in public around other people. There are so many people that have decided they have no further need to wear a mask because the state was completely open. As you all know, that should not have happened, it was just too soon. Now we have all of the Spring Breakers flooding the beaches without mask…

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    Christianity Is A Lifestyle

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families are having an awesome week so far, especially on this beautiful Spring morning. The sun is shining, a cool breeze blowing and the birds are chirping, so amazing. Thank You Father for such a beautiful day. Yesterday I took my daughter and grandchildren to the store and my granddaughter stayed in the car with me. So, she was telling me how amazing it was the way I pray and talk to God everyday. She is 10 years old, but she is very attentive to things that are going on around her. She tells me that before she takes her…

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    What Goes In Will Come Out

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, here we are again at the beginning of a new week. Praying everyone started your week with God. Looking forward to and expecting Him to do great things in you and through you this week. Praise God. I have a question for you this morning. Have you ever just stopped in the middle of whatever you were doing and started praising and worshipping God? I asked that question, because I find myself doing it all through the day, all of the time. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing, there is always praise and worship on my lips and coming…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week whether at work, at school, at home or wherever you were. Praying that you kept God up front and in the midst of whatever you had going on this week. Now, we have made it to the weekend and I pray you will be able to relax and rest. Praise God. Today for our Friday’s Prayer I would like for you to join in with me as we lift up and pray for the people in the South, facing all of these violent tornados, hail and storms since Wednesday night. Father God we come to You…

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    He’s Worth The Wait

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you are having an awesome morning, even though it has been raining where I am. I pray all is going well with you and your family today and for the rest of the week. Praise God. I am sure all of us have at one time or another had an appointment where you had to be some where at a certain time, get there on time and still had to wait. Now I don’t know about you, but any time I have ever gone to the doctor’s office for a scheduled appointment, usually arriving a little early. I still have to sit in the…

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    Time For a Good Book

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great weekend and ready for a brand new week full of God’s grace and mercy. Thank You Jesus. I have been reading this book for the past few days by Max Lucado, one of my favorite Christian authors. Not only is he an awesome writer, he is also a Pastor of a church in San Antonio, so I love to hear him teach the as well as read his books. I am presently reading his book that is 3 books titled, The Great House Of God, Just Like Jesus and When Christ Comes. I have read the first book, The Great…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family, praying everyone’s had a safe and blessed week. Continuing to be a blessing to others that God may have put in your path. Sharing the Love of the Father and allowing Jesus to be seen in and through you. Praise God! This morning I would like to share a little short and simple, but powerful prayer that was sent to me this week by my 10 year old granddaughter Chanell. When I woke up Thursday morning, I had a text waiting for me to read from Chanell. When I opened the text I saw that she had sent it to me at 3:30 AM, very…

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    Our Daily Prayer of Protection

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you are doing great and keeping God first and before everybody and everything. Keeping His Word flowing in your hearts and in your heads everyday, all day. Praise God. Last year, I posted Psalm 91 from time to time as a reminder to pray our prayer of protection every day. We should be praying Psalm 91 every day over ourselves and our families, especially during this pandemic. Keeping you and your loved ones covered under God’s protection. Keeping you and your families washed and cleansed in the Blood of Jesus every day. Psalm 91 Safety of Abiding in the Presence of…

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    Teach Your Children About God

    Good Monday Moring Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week and ready to move forward with God. Getting before Him before you start your day and wait for your instructions for an awesome week. Thank You Jesus. Two of my grandchildren spent the weekend with me, ages 10 and 14. So, we were having a conversation about what children their age talk about. Which is usually videos, video games, tik tok, you tube, music, dances and on an on. Now, I will sit there and listen to them but they do know, after that conversation, we will talk about where God is in all of that.…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we are at the end of another week and headed into the weekend. Praying that you and your families will continue to keep God first in all you do and stay safe. Putting and keeping your trust in God all the way and not man. Praise God. As we all know the governor is opening the state up 100% next week, which includes not having to wear your mask. Children of God, please continue to wear your mask, social distance, wash your hands and sanitize. We all know it is way too early to open things back up right now. This is why it…