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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning. Praying that everyone had a blessed and God filled week. Ready for some rest and a little quiet time over the weekend. I know I am, Praise God. This morning for Friday’s Prayer, I will be praying for our children. When I say our children, I am talking about all children everywhere. Not just your children in your home, but children all over the world. So please, lets all come in agreement this morning in praying for the safety of our children. Father God, I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Honor, all of…

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    Praise God In Your Storm

    Good Morning. Praise God for this blessed Wednesday, another day that He has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We all have some type of storms in our lives that we are faced with from time to time. Whether it is a marriage storm, financial storm, family storm, health storm, loss of a loved one storm, divorce storm, etc. Sometimes these storms can bring us to a point in our lives to where we wonder if God is still there. Is He still listening or is He hearing our prayers? Does He care about what we are going through? It doesn’t matter what the storm is…

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    Saying Yes Before God Asks

    Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had a blessed weekend. Ready to start another fruitful week, reaping a good harvest. I would like to start off this morning with a question. Would you be able tell God your answer to Him is yes, even before you know what He is going to ask of you? Do you love and trust Him enough to always say yes before you know what your assignment will be? Being in that place with God to where it doesn’t matter what He has for you to do, the answer is yes. Romans 8:28 reads, “And we know that all things work together for good to…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning and Happy Friday to you. This has been an awesome week and I am looking forward to the weekend. I pray that you can agree with me also. Well, are you ready for Friday’s Prayer? Today I will be praying for everyone to be filled with thanksgiving to God. Please join me in this prayer. Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Honor and all of the Glory. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You…

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    Christians With Benefits

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we are half way through the week once again. Praying that you started your day with God, spending that one on one time with Him first. This morning I am re-posting a blog I did back in July, with a few additions. Why? Because sometimes we need to be reminded of just how much God loves us and all of the benefits that comes along with that amazing love. Anyone who has been employed and worked for a company has received some type of benefits. Usually health, dental, vision, life and whatever else the company offers. The company pays for a percentage and you pay the…

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    Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God – Psalm 91

    Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready for another week being led by our Heavenly Father. Keep Him first in all things and allow Him to direct your paths, and He will. As you read Psalm 91 below, don’t just read it but reflect on what it is saying to you as a child of God. 1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most HighShall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the[a]fowlerAnd from the perilous pestilence.4 He shall cover you with…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning. A very cold Friday morning, if I might add. But still a good Friday morning, why? Because this is still a day that God has made, even if it’s a very cold day. So, we will wrap up and dress accordingly and rejoice and be glad in it anyway. Praise God, Hallelujah and Thank You Jesus. Getting ready for Friday’s Prayer and I am on fire and ready to pray. Today I will be praying for people with any type of addictions. If you have a family member or know anyone with an addiction of any kind, please join in and pray. Father God, I come to…

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    Give God Your First and Best

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we have made it half way through the week once again. Being the last week in the month of October and going into the month of November, the month of Thanksgiving. The holiday season is upon us and I am ready, my favorite time of the year. This morning I want to talk about giving God your first and best in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Giving God your best life, your best self, your best time, your best tithe (10% or more), your best offering, your best love, your best praise and worship, your best everything. Giving Him the first of everything…

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    Surrendering All To God

    Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Attended church on Sunday for your weekly infilling of God’s Holy and Sanctified Word. Being surrounded by other Christians and good fellowship. The best way to start your week and I’m sure you agree. I was on my way to church Sunday morning and listening to my praise and worship music as I always do. Having a beautiful time in the Lord and preparing my heart to receive whatever message He had for me. I don’t know about you, but I have already had church in my car before I even get to church. It’s just that good…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning. I pray everyone’s had a blessed week and ready for a restful weekend. Well, it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and I am ready. Today I a going to pray David’s prayer for a clean heart. I was reading this in my devotion Thursday morning and I decided this would be a good Friday’s Prayer. So, please join in with me, Father God I come to You in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the Praise, all of the Glory and all of the Honor. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and…