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    Take Some Time To Rest

    Happy Monday! It’s that time once again, to go out and let the world see Jesus in us. Smile, speak and share a kind word and make someone else’s day. I also pray everyone had an awesome weekend as well. My husband is in transportation and he came home this weekend. We had planned this weekend and had been looking forward to it for some time now. Because of his work schedule and being on the road away from home all the time, we always have to plan for his time off. He has been wanting to get in some fishing, so we planned our weekend fishing trip and it…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Happy Friday everyone. Today is another blessed Friday that we were allowed to be a part of. Thank you Father for today. Well, this is Friday’s Prayer once again and today we are going to pray for Bereaved Families. There have been quite a few home goings in the past few weeks in my life. Last month my Mom went home to be with the Lord and a friend of mines Son went home to be with the Lord. Last week, the Minister at my church, his Son went home to be with the Lord. I know they are all in a better place, but they are deeply missed missed.…

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    That Morning Addiction

    The definition of addiction reads, “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.” So, what is your morning addiction? What is that one thing you have to do or have in the morning as soon as your eyes open? Is it that first cup of coffee, a nicotine product, morning talk show, checking face book or texting a friend? We all have a morning addiction. This topic for my blog was given to me this morning in the midst of me thinking about a cup of coffee. I woke up this morning and my first thought was, I am going to get up and…

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    Loving The Unlovable

    Happy Monday! I pray that everyone will have a blessed and God filled week and remember to be a blessing to someone. I wanted to start out by sharing a little bit of the Sunday School lesson from church Sunday morning. It was a very good lesson and it brought a question to mind. The title of the lesson was “All We Need Is Love.” Do we pick and choose who we love or do we love everybody as the Bible instructs us to do? There are some people that we love being around, having conversation with, just a joy to be in their company. Then there are those people…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Happy Friday! I pray everyone had a blessed week and ready for the weekend. In case you haven’t noticed, I have decided to make my blog on Friday’s a day to pray for specific things. So, this Friday’s Prayer, I am going to pray for our truck drivers. Why? Because my husband and so many other men and women are truck drivers. That is not an easy job and it can be dangerous at times. I have worked for two transportation companies and I know a few men and women who have chosen this profession. Most of them are over the road which means they are away from home long…

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    Blessed To Be A Blessing

    When reading and studying my Bible, I use the N I V or the N K J V Bibles. Sometimes I will read a scripture in the Message Bible and that is what I did with this scripture. Proverbs 11:25 reads, “The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” I love the way the Message Bible words this scripture, plain and simple to understand. So, lets talk about being blessed to be a blessing. I hear a lot of people talk about how blessed they are. Sometimes in speaking and asking someone how they are doing, they reply “blessed.” If we are as blessed…

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    When God’s Answer Is No

    Happy Monday to everyone. I would like to apologize for a late post today, but I was having air conditioner repairs done. Now, I can move on to better things, since it’s cool in the house once again. Can you remember a time that you were praying and asking God for something that you did not receive? Or maybe you were praying about a situation that did not turn out like you expected it to? Praying for that person to become your husband or wife and they just walked out of your life. Expecting to get that raise and promotion, but it went to your co-worker instead. We have to…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Well, we made it to another Friday. Today it was put on my heart to just say a little prayer. So, please join me today and pray not just for yourself and your family, but for others outside of your family. Father, I come to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First thanking You for all You have done, all You are doing and all I know You will do. Not just in my life and family but in the lives of others and other families. I may not know the needs of others, but You do. Please meet their needs whatever they may be.…

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    Is Your House Clean?

    A few months ago, I was asked to speak at a Women’s Mission meeting. Whenever I am asked to speak, I immediately pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to help me. So, one night after praying about what I would speak about. I heard this question in my spirit, “is your house clean?” When I heard the question, I repeated it out loud a couple of times and then thought about it. He’s not asking about the house in which I live. He’s asking about the house in which He lives. My body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Corinthians 6:19 reads, “Do you not know…

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    Will You Be Ready?

    Last year I watched a movie titled “Sunday Morning Rapture.” I was searching for a Christian movie to watch. During and after watching this movie, it really made me think about my Christian walk. I even had my husband watch it when he came home, so I watched it twice. In this movie, people were going about their everyday lives, just like we are doing today. Some people were Christians and some were not, some people were believers and some were not. Because you can say you are a Christian and still not be a believer. There were Christian families that had a lot of the same problems we are…