
Praise God Where He Blesses You

Good Monday Morning. Praying everyone had an awesome weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. I know I am and ready to see what He has in store for me this week. If you don’t already know, it is an amazing journey everyday when you follow Jesus. Praise God.

Yesterday I was thinking about what I was going to blog about this morning. During that time I had a little flashback, which brought me to my topic this morning. After thinking about that day, it made me laugh again as it did when it first happened. I thought, this will be good blog for a Monday morning, someone may need a little chuckle and a reminder.

Last year, I had mailed my house payment off as I did every month. About a week later I received a phone call to see if everything was ok, because my payment had not been received. I would always send it in a little early each month and this is why the concern was there from the recipient. I received this call on a Friday afternoon so I had to wait until Monday so I could go to the Post Office. Over the weekend I was praying that it was still at the Post Office and not had been put in a wrong mailbox. Trusting God that it had not fallen in the wrong hands of someone that would not return it to the Post Office.

Well, Monday morning came and my Daughter and I went to the Post Office. I was able to explain to the mail clerk when I had mailed it and it had not been received. I asked if he could check and see if it was still there or to make sure it had not been placed in the wrong box. He asked me who it was mailed to and when? He went to the back to check and came out with the envelope containing my house payment in his hand. I asked him if I could have it back and just hand deliver it and he was more than happy to honor my request. He apologized for any inconvenience, I accepted his apology and was on my way.

After my daughter and I walked into the lobby, I sat my purse down on the little table and I had to do my little praise step. She looked at me with this look on her face and asked, “Mama, what are you doing, someone might see you.” I said girl, if anyone sees me and says anything to me, that will give me the opportunity to tell them about God and how He just blessed me. I told her that God blessed me at the Post Office, so I will praise Him at the Post Office. Why wait until I get home, when I can praise Him where He blessed me.

I shared that little story to say this. Praise God where He blesses you. If you wait until you get home, you might get distracted or get busy and forget. So, why take that chance. If you can remember back to your childhood, Mama would always tell you not to act up because if you did she was going to get you wherever you acted up. Because she knew if she waited until she got home, there was a chance she just might forget. Same with praising God for your blessings, praise Him where He blesses you. Don’t wait until you get home and take a chance on forgetting. God Bless 🙂


  • Walter Patrick

    Praise God. Thank you for sharing. Remembering when the Lord healed my left knew. I praised God all night long. Did not stop talking about the Lord!!!