
Pray About Everything And Be Thankful

Good Tuesday Morning Family and children of God. How’s everyone doing this beautiful morning that God has blessed us to see once again. We have been given another opportunity to say thank You Father for all that You do for us. We love You so much. Bless His Holy Name.

Well, I know in many past blogs I have talked a lot about prayer and having that one on one relationship with God. I continue to talk about this because it is so important as a Christian that you keep God in the midst of everything that you do and talk to Him about everything before you do it. Our heavenly Father loves it when we come to Him to talk about our everyday lives or bring everything to Him in prayer. Because we do know that prayer is just having a heart to heart conversation with the Father, and you should look forward to that as much as He does.

I have learned over the years to pray about everything that has to do with me or that will affect me. I have also developed over the years to pray for people and situations that have absolutely nothing to do with me. You see, as a Christian I not only go to God about me and my family, I pray for others and their families as well. Being on the truck with my husband, I have seen a lot of things that touched my heart in a way that I had to immediately pray. This is the way it should be with all of us as Christians, when you come across something or someone that needs prayer, you don’t have to know them or the situation to pray. God already knows what’s going on so all you need to do is a prayer and lift them up.

When I say pray about everything, that is exactly what I mean, pray about everything. God loves hearing from us and there is nothing too big or too small that we can’t take to Him in prayer. Now, don’t misunderstand what I am saying here. Don’t just go before God asking for something all of the time, sometimes just go before Him to spend some good quality time with Him. You know how as parents we say that the only time we hear from out children is when they want something. If they don’t need anything from us, we don’t hear from them. Well, don’t do God like that as His children, let Him hear from you on a daily basis, even if you don’t need anything except to be with Him.

Make it a habit to pray before you leave the house, before you get in your car to drive, pray over your children before they go to school or work, pray for your family’s safety when away from home, pray when you go shopping and being around other people, pray over your meals before eating, pray when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed at night, pray for your grandchildren and great grandchildren, pray over your home and your property everyday, pray over your finances, pray over your health, pray over your marriage and your spouse. There is nothing that goes on in your life that you should not being praying over and for. Pray for God’s protection over everything and pray it everyday.

Myself, I pray over everything in the mornings when I spend my time with God and I pray and thank Him for a blessed day at night before I go to bed. Make sure during all of the praying that you do, please don’t forget to say thank you. Remember to have a grateful and thankful heart for all that God does for us everyday. Don’t be like the 10 lepers who had leprosy and Jesus healed them and only 1 came back to thank Jesus for his healing.

Luke 17:11-19 reads, “11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

14 When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.

15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

17 Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18 Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” 19 Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

Be like the 1 leper who came back to say thank you. Have a safe, blessed and prayer filled day and always be thankful. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Saying thank You for all that You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit do for us every day. We are so grateful and we love You so much. We look forward to spending time with You on a daily basis, not just to ask for things but to spend time with You as our Heavenly Father. Thank You for who You are in the lives of Your children. You are so good to us and we love You so much. Thank You and Amen.

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