
Pray For All Of Your Family Everyday

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family, I pray all of you are having a blessed morning in the Lord. This is such a beautiful morning and it was started with prayer. I always start my day with my Father in prayer and conversation. This morning I started my day in prayer with my husband, mother-in-love and a family member that stopped by. We stood outside, held hands and each of us said a prayer, such a blessing. Praise God.

What we did this morning is something we should be doing every morning as a family. Get up early enough in the morning so you and your family can come together in prayer before leaving the house, going separate ways and starting your day. If you have children, this will teach them to pray every morning before they leave our to start their day and it will be something that will stick with them, even into their adult lives. We should not only just pray for our immediate families in the house with us, also for all of our family members. Even though you may not know what or if anything is going on with other family members, God does. All you need to do is just pray for them and leave the rest to God.

Prayer changes things when worry and gossip changes nothing. When we see or hear about a family member going through hard times, dealing with health issues, struggling with any type of addiction, problem children, marriage headed for divorce or whatever it may be. Don’t react like the world does and do nothing but talk and gossip about them. Pray for them as if it were a family member in your own house and pray without judging. It’s not our place to judge them or try to find out all of the details, God already knows all of the details and all you are called to do is pray. As Christians, we all have that calling on our lives and that is a calling to pray for and love everybody, not just me, mine and ours. Jesus didn’t go around just praying, loving and healing His family members, he prayed for, loved and healed everyone that needed a prayer, love and healing. That is the same attitude we need to have, a Christ like attitude.

As I said earlier about us outside praying this morning, when a family member was passing by and stopped to say hello. He walked up and saw that we were praying, he pulled off his cap and put it on the ground, grabbed our hand in the prayer circle and prayed with us. He didn’t stand back and wait for us to finish or say I’ll come back later, he just walked up and joined in. That is a man that lives for Jesus in private and in public and that is the way it should be. As Christians, we welcomed him I believe the way Jesus expected us to do and continued with our morning prayer. We are to love everybody as Jesus loves us and that is with a heart filled with love, real love.

So, in the mornings when you are having your prayer time, don’t just pray for the people in your house. Pray for your family members and relatives outside of your house, lift them and their families up to the Father as you lift yours up. As you are praying, God may put someone specific on your heart along with further instructions. Just be open to do whatever it is you are instructed to do and thank God for choosing and trusting you to carry out His request. He could have chose anyone, but He chose you and that is a blessing in itself. Allow God to use you in your prayer life and any other way He chooses to use you in someone else’s life. It will bless you in more ways than you could ever imagine. Remember, God blesses us to be a blessing to others, it’s not just for us. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for everything and all things. We come to You this morning lifting up our families, loved ones and friends in prayer. Father, we ask that You keep us all washed, safe, cleansed and blessed through the Blood of Jesus. We thank You for taking care of us and never leaving us, always being with us not matter where we are. You are such a good Father and we love You so much and we say thank You for loving us so much. Being what we need You to be at the time we need You to be it, thank You. Amen