
Praying And Having Faith Like Daniel

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Help me enjoy another beautiful day the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it. Another day full of His grace and mercy, which is new every morning. Thank You Jesus for another beautiful day. Praise God.

This morning I attempted to go out on the patio and write my blog, it was a little sunny and cloudy, and it was a little too windy. I did sit out there and have my breakfast, wind and all, lol. The little time I was out there I enjoyed every minute of it. Even though I had to come in the house to write my blog, I enjoyed the little time I was out on the patio. Thank You Jesus.

I was reading my devotion one morning and it was talking about Daniel and the way he prayed and how faithful he was to God. Now, if you don’t know the Book of Daniel, please go and read it. I promise you will be so blessed by it and I really believe your prayer life will change for the better. Not saying that you don’t already have an awesome prayer life, as Christians we always have room for growth.

So, as I was saying, Daniel had as awesome prayer life and his faith in God was unmovable and unchangeable. Daniel prayed to God morning, noon and night every day faithfully. He believed whatever God said and he trusted God in everything. Even when his life was put on the line for praying to God and not the King, he still did not cease in praying to God 3 times a day as he always did. The new law that had been put in place about praying to no one else, only to the King did not move him at all. The new law was only put in place as a trap for Daniel to end his life and he paid that no attention, he kept right on praying and trusting God to protect him. So, if you know the story of Daniel, he continued to pray in the window 3 times a day as he always had, not afraid of being seen because he knew God would protect him.

Now, when he was seen in the window praying, yes he was arrested and thrown in the lion’s den to be eaten by the lions. Because the lions were kept hungry so when someone was thrown in, the lions would immediately eat them. As you know, that is not what happened to Daniel when he was thrown in, the lions did not touch him. God protected him and kept him through the entire night. I believe this is what it means to stay prayed up, having that prayer life everyday and spending time with God. Then when you are faced with adversities, you know that you have nothing to worry about. Because you know who your God is and God knows you are his child, and what Father doesn’t protect his child? This is the perfect example of a person being faithful to God and not just know God but knowing who God is.

Daniel prayed 3 times a day everyday faithfully without wavering. I am not saying that you have to pray 3 times a day, but you have to set that time a side everyday to spend with our Heavenly Father in prayer. You have to have that unshakeable one on one relationship with Him that not only speaks to Him as Your Heavenly Father but also speaks to you as His child. Knowing that no matter what, good or bad, God’s got you, always. Not allowing anyone or anything to change that, ever. So, even if you have read the Book of Daniel, go and read it again just to refresh your prayer life and your faith in God, you will be so glad you did. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do in the lives of Your children. Helps us to have faith and trust in You as Daniel did and help us to have the kind of prayer life that Daniel had. Having a good one on one relationship with you should be our daily goal. Knowing that if we are obedient to Your Word and have faith, trust and believe, we have absolutely nothing to worry about. We know that You will never leave us nor forsake us and we are so grateful and thankful. We love you. Amen.