
Psalm 121

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. I apologize for being a little late posting this morning, but I had some early morning errands to run. Today is a new day full of God’s grace and mercy, which is new every morning. Thank You Jesus.

This morning I would just like to share some scripture with you, a great way to start the week. I am sure we all have read Psalm 121 many times and even prayed it, I know I have.

God the Help of Those Who Seek Him

Psalm 121

A Song of Ascents.

121 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to [a]be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your [b]keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall [c]preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
The Lord shall preserve[d] your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Have a blessed day and a blessed week. Stay safe and trust God in all things and everything. God Bless 🙂