
Raising Your Children God’s Way

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a great day in the Lord today. Although, it’s cloudy and raining where I am, it’s still a great day in the Lord. Praise God.

Today I would like to share something that my daughter wrote on her Facebook page and it needs to be shared. Whether you have school aged children or grandchildren, this is an issue we all need to be attentive to. We have to remember as parents and grandparents, all of our children are not raised in Christian homes and have no Bible values instilled in them. So, please take a minute and read what she had to say below about her 11 year old daughter. I just went out and copied and pasted what she wrote.

“This morning my daughter came to me and said, you know what’s sad mama? I said what, she said you know kids like me are considered nerds. The smart ones that just want to go to school and learn can’t even go to school in peace because there are kids that just have to be negative towards me or don’t like me. I’m like why you worried about what people think about you? And she said I don’t but it hurts because I don’t bother nobody, I just go to school to learn so I can be the best scientist in the world and getting into one of the best colleges in the world. My daughter is in the 6th grade and that’s all she is worried about is graduating and getting into one of the top colleges in the world and we got these kids out here that won’t let her be in peace. My daughter really don’t bother nobody she’s a loner like me…I teach her not to trust everybody but be kind and nice but everybody that say you’re my friend ain’t your friend…people will smile in your face and talk about you behind your back and she is very smart so she get it. I don’t understand why parents don’t sit down and teach their kids to be kind, that’s crazy and y’all know y’all kids going to school bullying and making people kids feel some type of way and yall ain’t changing the cycles, y’all ain’t doing nothing. I always say it starts at home….schools ain’t supposed to raise your kids it’s up to the parents to raise them the right way….but my daughter is strong minded and even though words hurt she still stand up high and smile and keep it pushing. Because I teach her to be strong like that even though I know it hurts… I told her I got bullied and picked on until I started fighting in fourth grade, my daughter is not a fighter. She doesn’t wanna fight because she wants to have a perfect record all the way through high school so she can get a great scholarship and get into one of the best colleges, again she is in the 6th grade and that’s all she is worried about….This had me in my feelings this morning because she is doing the right thing that’s it. I will keep pushing her to do her best and keep walking over bad things that comes towards her. I trust God to keep leading her the right way and to keep using the tools me and her Daddy install in her…she will make it out fine and she going to be the best thing rocking when she graduate… I know my daughter is smart and ain’t nobody going to take that away from her….I got her back on that…. we stand behind her she will be the first scientist in the family and I’m rocking with her on that ❤️❤️💪💪😎😎 TEACH YOUR KIDS TO BE KIND!!!”

So, to add to what she has already said, teach your children at home how to treat and respect other people. My granddaughter Chanell is 11 years old and very, very smart and a Christian. She is in the 6th grade, taking 8the grade math and on the A honor roll. This little girl will cry is she makes a B, she is all about keeping A’s and getting a scholarship to go to a good university. She talks about becoming a scientist so she can find a cure for Autism to help her sister Mya who is autistic. When did being smart and wanting to do and be your best become an invitation for being talked about or not liked? As my daughter mentioned in her post, raising respectful children starts at home.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 reads, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 13:24 reads, “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.” So, parents and grandparents, if you have a child in your family that you know is a little out of control, it is your responsibility to discipline that child and not the schools. Answers and help you can’t find standing, you can find them on your knees. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all that You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do. Asking You to help us raise our children in the way that you would have us to raise them. Thank you for the Word, our daily manual for life. Amen


  • Sedricka Robinson

    Yess ma’am you spoke that I thank you for sharing you know I was in my feelings.. but because you raise me up right I see a little you in me as a mother and I’m very thankful for you 💕

    • admin

      You just wanted to make me cry this morning didn’t you? Thank you for your comment, you really touched my heart as a Mom. Let’s me know I was obedient as training you up in the Lord💕