
Reading Scripture vs Knowing Scripture

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and how’s everyone doing this beautiful morning that the Lord has made? I pray this blog post finds you in good spirits in following after Jesus. Praise God.

I was reading an article yesterday afternoon titled, “Applying The Meaning Of Scripture” and one little paragraph stuck with me. I read over it a few times because it was very short, but it had a powerful punch. After I read over that one paragraph a few times, I decided right then and there that I had been given my blog for today. The paragraph read, “Knowing the Scriptures means careful reading, observation, analysis, background checking, etc. and then applying the meaning of the Scriptures to real life.” Now, you can see why that got my attention and it should have gotten your attention as well.

I have a quick question before we get started. How many of us will sit down to read or study our Bible and walk away not remembering anything that we read? It has happened to me before and I am sure it has happened to you as well. We get distracted by things that may be going on around us or things that may come to mind. The phone may ring, children or spouse may need our attention, a thought may enter our mind and now we have been thrown off course. This is why it is very important to have a nice quiet place, free from all distractions. So, that we can stay focused on what has been put before us.

My suggestion would be to pick a place that you can make your own, a place where you can meet with your Heavenly Father every day. Try and be consistent with this very important time, go for the same time everyday if at all possible. So, when time comes to sit down and read and study, or to be given Scripture by the Father. You will walk away with that Word in your heart and on your mind, remembering what you need to remember in order to apply to your life. If you can’t remember Scripture after reading or studying, or even praying to God for an answer. What good is it doing you to get the answers you need in Scripture if you can’t apply it where it needs to be applied.

You can read and study Scripture all day and all night, if you can’t remember what you read it doesn’t do you any good. It is so important to take what we read and know when and how to apply it to our everyday lives. Also, we need to take the time to memorize Scriptures as well, for those times we don’t have our Bibles or can’t use our phones. Very, very important not just to read Scripture but to know Scripture. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Thanking and praising You for another blessed day. Asking You to help us keep what we read and study in the Bible in our hearts. Touch our minds so that we may be able to memorize Your Holy Scriptures. Thank You and we love You. Amen