
Rejoice In The Lord Always

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Today is another glorious day that the God has allowed us to be apart of and we thank Him. Especially for His Grace and Mercy which is new every morning. Thank You Jesus.

Today I want to talk about rejoicing in the Lord, no matter what the situation or what you may be going through. You may say, well it depends on what is going on in my life whether or not I rejoice in the Lord. I know some of us will rejoice when things are going great and we don’t feel too much like rejoicing when things are not going so great. It’s like, our rejoicing in the Lord depends on how our life is going at the time and that is not a good place to be in. We should rejoice in the Lord no matter whether our life is in a good place or not.

In the Bible there were to men, Paul and Silas that were thrown into prison. I am sure you are familiar with their story and now I am sure you know where I am going with this, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” So, on with the story. In Acts 16: 16-34, it talks about Paul and Silas being thrown in prison because they commanded a spirit to come out of a fortune telling slave girl that had been following them for days. She was repeatedly talking about who they were and what they were doing when Paul got tired of it and commanded the spirit to come out of her. Well, the men she was working under became very upset because that was dipping into their pockets and the money stopped that she was bringing in. So, Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison in chains. Now, at this point they had all the reasons to be very angry, instead they chose to rejoice and praise God.

After they made the choice to rejoice and praise God, something amazing happened. At around midnight while Paul and Silas was singing hymns and praising God, there was a violent earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison. All of the doors came open and the chains that had them bound became loose. Now there is a lot more to this story and I suggest you take the time and read it in it’s entirety. The point I was trying to make was how Paul and Silas continued to rejoice and praise God in the midst of their troubles. So, what happened at midnight as they were rejoicing and praising God instead of wallowing in their conditions and feeling sorry for themselves? God showed up, right there in prison where they were and set them free. Notice it wasn’t after God showed up and then they started rejoicing and praising Him. They were already rejoicing and praising Him when He showed up. The way the chose to go through their situation is what made God show up and do what they could not do in their own strength.

So my point is this, no matter what you may be going through or how bad things may seem, rejoice and praise God in the midst of it. Show God that you are going to continually rejoice and praise Him no matter what, in the bad as well as in the good. Then, watch Him show up like He did for Paul and Silas and change what needs to be changed and fix what needs to be fixed, praise God. He will show up in the hospital room, the jail cell, under the bridge, in the classroom, on the job or at midnight, where ever you are. God will show up and be what you need Him to be at the the time You need Him to be it. That’s the kind of God we serve, a Mighty Good God. Whatever you do, don’t ever stop rejoicing and praising God, ever. God Bless 🙂


Father, I we come to You in the Mighty Name of Your Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Knowing that what You did for Paul and Silas, You will do the same for us. We know that when You show up on the scene, something is about to happen. We love you so much and not just for what You do in our lives, but for who You are in our lives. Thank You and Amen.