
Seeing God In Everything

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying all is well with all of you and your loved ones. We are half way through the week as God continues to lead and guide us. Praise God. My blog is a little late this morning due to me being in a different time zone which is a 2 hour difference. So, it was 8:30 here when I started my blog, but it was 10:30 at home and I had no signal for a while.

I have a question to ask this morning. In your everyday walk with God, do you see Him in everything? If your answer is no, then you need to slow down a little bit and pay attention to people and things around you. If your answer is yes, I so agree with you. It’s not hard to see God in people and things, that is if you know God and who He is. It’s not enough to just know God, you have to know who He is.

When I am out and about or just in my back yard, I see God all around me. Being out running errands or whatever I am doing, I imagine God doing things to keep me safe and and keeping me on the right path. Because He said in His Word that He is with me wherever I go and when you believe that. You will see God in everything around you, because He is with you.

Even when I am just sitting on the patio in my backyard, I see God in everything. When that light cool breeze blows, God is in it. When I hear the birds happily chirping, Isee God in it. After the yard has been freshly mowed and so beautiful, I can see God in the beauty of the view. Being connected to God and reading His Word has helped me to be able to see Him in everything around me. I have to admit, it is pretty awesome. Because seeing Him in everything also helps me to keep my mind on Him. Isaiah 26:3 reads “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.” That is an awesome promise.

So, begin to slow your everyday life down a little and look for God in things around you. When you take the time to stop and listen and look, you will be surprised at what you see and what you hear Him saying to you in that small still voice. He is always showing us Him and His beauty in all things. We just miss out because we are moving too fast in our noisy and fast lives. Slow down and enjoy God and allow Him to enjoy you. God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • Callie Brown

    Thank you for this Kwenlion, when we and our situation is physically visible, and we feel it is up to us to fix it, we must remember our battles are not ours, but the Lord’s therefore His Hand is always in the outcome. Yes! If we trust Him to handle it we will have that perfect peace.