
Seeing Through The Eye’s Of God

Good Monday morning Blog Family. Praying all of you had a safe and blessed weekend. We are ready to start a brand new week and still blessed and highly favored. That’s the kind of God we serve, hallelujah and praise Your Holy Name Father. Praises go up and blessings come down.

Have you ever prayed and asked God to let you see something or someone through His eyes? Well, my answer would be yes. I have prayed during my prayer time and asked God to let me see people through His eyes. Allowing me to see people the way He sees them. I think that should be part of all of our prayers. Because God does not look at people the same way we do. He looks at the heart from the inside out and we look at what we can see from the outside in. 1 Samuel 16:7 reads, “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

I can recall times when I witnessed people being rude to other people in the store, a co-worker being a difficult person to work with and causing problems on the job, a manager that talked disrespectfully to their employee’s and on and on and on. We don’t know what these people may be going through and that is still no excuse for their actions. Although, we may not not know what drives them to act the way they do, but God knows and He still loves them. Sometimes people react certain ways because they are experiencing difficulties in their own lives and it shows in many unhealthy ways. This is why, we need to pray to see people through God’s eyes so that we can see them the way God see’s them and still love them just the same. Not to judge them because of their actions, but to look past what we see on the outside and love them from the inside, from the heart.

In other words, seeing the world through God’s eyes. Can you imagine what kind of world this would be if we actually saw people the way God did? Not only seeing but thinking like God thinks, loving like God loves, forgiving like God forgives, giving like God gives and so on. Our lives and the lives of others would be so amazing. This world would be a much better place with more loving people. Seeing people, situations, circumstances, and hearts with the love of God. Can you imagine seeing yourself, your spouse or your children the way God sees you and them, with faults and all? Wow, it makes my heart smile just thinking about it.

Ephesians 5:1-2 reads, “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” Being imitators of God and doing things as He would do them, always in love. So, during your next prayer time, think about asking God to let you see things through His eyes. I believe it would be an amazing sight. Have a God filled day. God Bless