
Seek And Crave God

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week in the Lord. Getting before Him this morning as you start your day to receive your daily instructions. Thank You Jesus.

I was reading a devotion by Rebekah M. Barrett “Seek Me First,” where she was talking about how the Holy Spirit had spoken to her about the way she seeks and craves coffee. She went on to say, how amazing it would be if we sought after and craved God the way she craved that first morning cup of coffee. I would like to share a little bit of her devotion because it was just that good. Please read below.

“So, you can see why God drew my attention to coffee as a metaphor for how much I can seek Him as my vital necessity. You see, I depend on coffee. It is the first thing I do each and every single morning. I have a routine with coffee. I allot time for coffee. I allocate money in my budget for it. I spend time shopping for it, preparing it and I make an effort to ensure I am never without it. After drinking coffee, I usually want more, and come back to it throughout the day. I crave it, and when I go without coffee, I am not the same. I don’t think clearly. I am lacklustre, feel insufficient, and become irritable. I. Need. Coffee. So, what if I seek God like I seek coffee? Day in, and day out seek Him. Start my day with Him. Need Him. Crave Him. Come back for more of Him. Allocate my time and resources so I never go without Him. Then I’d be seeking the Lord as my vital necessity.”

Wow, was that not amazing and very well said. I am sure some of you are coffee drinkers like Rebekah and myself. Now, I am not a coffee drinker like Rebekah, but I do enjoy a morning cup of coffee with my peppermint mocha cream. As she said, what would our life be like if we would start to seek and crave God like we seek and crave coffee. Just take a minute and think about that. Maybe your seek and crave is not coffee, but something else you seem to can’t live without. I think the way the Holy Spirit took something that she really loved and used it in a way to show her how she should be seeking and craving God. I have read a lot of devotions, and I can truly say this one is the best one yet.

When I was reading this devotion, I immediately thought about my relationship with God. It made me think about my time I spend with Him in the mornings and how often I talk with Him throughout my day. The Bible instructs us to seek God in Matthew 6:33 which reads, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” So, God is telling us in His Word that if we just seek His kingdom and His righteousness, He will add to us what is needed. Seeking and craving God is definitely how we need to live our daily life. Trusting and believing God to lead and guide us on this journey and to be obedient. Psalm 119:105 reads, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Just know that as a child of God, your footsteps are ordered by the Lord. Psalm 37:23 reads, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.” Just follow the Lords leading and guidance because He knows what is best for us, better than we know ourselves. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for all that You do for us on a daily basis. Help us to have a heart to seek and crave You every day, all day. Allowing You to have complete control over our lives, leading and guiding us. Knowing the importance of being obedient to Your Word, no matter what. We have to realize that You know and see all things and You know what is best for us and what we need. Thank You and we love You. Amen