
Seek And You Will Find Him

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having as beautiful of a morning as I am. God is just so good to me and I love Him with everything in me, He is my everything. Prayerfully you feel the same way. Praise His Holy Name.

I do a Bible reading plan where I will have read and studied the Bible in a year. I really like this plan, because it gives little short testimonials that goes along with the Bible reading for that day. So, not only am I reading and studying my Bible, I am also learning a lot of things I wasn’t aware of. So, my Bible reading on Monday gave a short testimonial on John Newton, who is the author of the well known and loved hymn “Amazing Grace.” I knew that he wrote Amazing Grace, I did not know he was an atheist, people hated him and he was a slave trader, wow. Please read the testimonial below about the man that wrote Amazing Grace.

John Newton (1725–1801) was a militant atheist, bully and blasphemer. He was a wild and angry young man. He was press-ganged into the Navy at the age of eighteen where he broke the rules so recklessly that he was publicly flogged for desertion. He was hated and feared by his crewmates and himself became a slave trader. At the age of twenty-three, Newton’s ship encountered a severe storm off the coast of Donegal and almost sank. He called out to God as the ship filled with water and on that day, 10 March 1748, God rescued him. He began a new life. He started to pray and read the Bible. Eventually he joined William Wilberforce in the campaign to abolish the slave trade and became a leading light in that campaign. Newton is best known as the author of the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’: *Amazing grace! How sweet the sound* *That saved a wretch like me!* *I once was lost but now I’m found,* *Was blind, but now I see.

Was that not amazing, that through his entire life he was not a very nice person and people hated him. He did horrible things and he did not believe in God. What amazes me about this the most is him calling out to a God he did not believe in to save him from trouble. I have read about other people that live their entire lives as atheists, then when trouble arrives they can’t handle they call out to a God they don’t believe in. I don’t see how anyone can not believe in God, all you have to do is just look around you. God is everywhere and in everything, just stop, look and listen.

Jeremiah 29:13 reads, “And you will Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Matthew 7:7-8 reads, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Is that not enough to tell you that God is real and you can find Him if you are really seeking after Him. This is why I love reading and studying my Bible, reading my devotions and other Christian books. There is so much good information we can take and apply it to our daily lives and live happy joy filled lives.

People have to believe in something and I think people know down deep inside there really is a God. Whether they want to believe it or not and one day the WILL have to call on Him. Always make a point to let others see God in You and your everyday life. Let your life be proof to non believers that there really is a true and living God. God Bless 🙂

Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, giving You all of the praise and glory. Thanking You for making Yourself known to us when we seek after You. You said to seek and we will find. Thank You so much for allowing us to find You. Amen