
Seek God The Beginning Of Your Day

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and how are we doing this beautiful sunny morning that the Lord has made. Let us all be glad and rejoice in this day, full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Thank You Jesus.

Well, this morning as I am sitting here in front of my computer with a very delicious cup of coffee in my favorite coffee cup. I want to talk to you about making time for God if you haven’t already. This is so important because God should be the top priority in our lives and in our mornings. He is the first One you should speak to in the mornings when you open your eyes. Saying Good Morning and thanking Him for allowing you to be a part of another day. I read a post this morning that said, “Don’t forget to pray today, because God didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.” Hallelujah, now that will preach right there.

When you stop and think about things we do in our everyday lives, we couldn’t do any of those things if God did not allow it. When we lay down at night to a good night sleep, it’s only because God allowed us to because He and the angels are watching over us and keeping all harm and dangers away from us and our dwelling places. When we get in our vehicles to drive wherever we are going and we make it there safely, it’s only because God allowed it by sending His angels ahead of us to make sure our paths are straight and safe. When our families go in different directions in the mornings to school and to work, we are kept safe all day and are back together at the end of the day, only because God allowed it by keeping His promises in Psalm 91 which is our prayer of protection and being covered in the Blood Of Jesus.

So, please don’t make the mistake of thinking it is you that keeps everything going smooth in you and your families life, because it is not you. God is in control of you, your life, your family, your finances, your health, your mind, your well being and anything else that has anything to do with you. Now, if things are not as smooth as God intends for them to be, trust me it is not God. It is something you are doing or not doing, not following His instructions and being obedient to what He tells you to do or not to do. Get in the habit of always talking to God first about any decision or choices that you have to make before you make them. Because whatever you are trying to accomplish on your own without God, is headed for failure, it will not work. Always talk to Him about your day and see how much better it will be when you give it to Him and just follow His lead.

Always, and I say always seek God every morning before you start you day, talk to Him about your day and see how much better it will be when you give it to Him and just follow His lead. Allow Him to lead and guide you and order your footsteps. God knows and sees things that we don’t know and can’t see for whatever reason. He can lead and guide us away from things and situations that we don’t want any part of and in some case, if we have to go through something He is right there with us. Because sometimes He will allow us to go through certain things to get our attention or to let us know we can’t do it without Him. So, read your Bible, pray, listen, pay attention, learn to follow instructions and just be obedient to His Word. Your life will be so much easier if we just did that and let Him have complete control. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. We thank You so much for everything that You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit do for us everyday. We are so grateful, thankful and appreciative of your love and protection for us. You are such and good and gracious God and we love you so much for all that you do. Help us to seek You first thing every morning before we start our day to get our instructions from You. Help us to be obedient and keep You first before everybody and anything. Amen