
Sharing The Love of Jesus

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, we are starting another new week and given another chance to spread the Love of Jesus. In all things, stop and ask yourself, “What would Jesus do”? If you choose to start your week with this question, you will do the right thing every time. Praise God!

So, today I would like to talk about sharing the Love of Jesus all around. The Christmas holiday season is the perfect time to do just that. But not just the Christmas season but for all year round. Spreading the Love of Jesus is basically just loving people the way Jesus loves us, just that simple. Being that helping had to reach out and help someone in need, whether you know them or not.

Maybe you know of a family this Christmas that’s having a hard time financially. While out doing your Christmas shopping, pick up a few extra gifts for the family, especially if they have children. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, it’s the thought that counts. Just letting them know that they were on your heart and you were thinking about them. Showing the Love of Jesus makes all the difference in the world. That is the best gift you could give, allowing this family to see Jesus in you. Given the opportunity to invite them to church, just in case they don’t attend church.

There will be people that won’t have the pleasure of a hot meal, especially not a Christmas dinner meal. If you have a neighbor or know of a person that will be alone on Christmas. Maybe you don’t want to invite them to your house, but you can always fix them a plate and take it to them. Sharing the Love of Jesus with them and a hot Christmas dinner meal. Again, it will allow that person to see Jesus in you and if they are not saved. You may have the wonderful opportunity to lead that person to Christ. What an awesome Christmas gift.

Although, it is always nice to do something for someone else during Christmas. Just remember, it is not about the gifts. It is about loving people that way Jesus loves you, from the heart. Loving them all year round and not just at special times through out the year. Jesus loves us all year round, no matter what. Show that same kind of love to others, in Jesus name. John 13:34-35 reads, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus this beautiful morning. Thanking You for Your grace and mercy. Thanking You for Your Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus. Help us to remember that Jesus is the reason for Christmas. He is the best Christmas gift of all. Amen