
Sins We Unknowingly Commit Everyday

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Today is another beautiful day that the Lord has provided for us to enjoy in Him. Thank You Jesus.

This morning I would like to talk a little bit about the every day sin in our lives that are so common in today’s world that it sometimes goes unnoticed as sin. We get so caught up in the way the world does things that we sometimes forget the correct way. This is where we allow sin to slip into our daily lives and we don’t even recognize it as sin. So, you know me and how quick I am to do some research on things to get some facts to back up what I am sharing with you. These were listed as the “10 Ways We Sin Without Knowing,” written by goingbyfaith.com. I included their list below to see if you can identify with any of these sins:

10 Sins that often slip by as “OK” in our daily life:

1. Holding grudges

2. Justifying wrong attitudes

3. Putting your desires first (before God)

4. Feeling annoyed over the success of others

5. Getting hurt easily and reacting out of the hurt

6. Underpaying (taking advantage of others’ work)

7. Skimping on the work you are being paid to do

8. Criticizing and finding fault – secretly or outwardly

9. Focusing on the cares of the world – putting your full attention and trust in the “things” or the world, like money, power, possessions and image. When we allow that to define us, we lose focus of what we are in Christ. This doesn’t mean not caring about what happens in the world.

10. Gossiping or speaking unkindly of those not present

Now, I can’t speak for you, but that made me self check myself and see if I am guilty of any of these sins. When reading this list of every day sins that are overlooked, they are things that we do and sometimes don’t give a second thought about it, especially about them being a sin. This just goes to show you how easy it is to sin unknowingly. This can easily happen when you follow the world and what it has to offer instead of following Jesus and what He has to offer. If there is anything on that list that you are guilty of, please repent and ask Jesus to forgive You and move forward in Him.

I was reading my devotion this morning written by Maddie Rey and she said, “God has given us the power to get control over our sin issues so our sin doesn’t control us. When we allow sin in our lives, it pulls us further away from God’s presence. When we allow God’s presence into our lives, it pulls us further away from sin.” Now, if she didn’t say that. Wow, that summed it all up right there, I don’t think it could have been said any plainer than that. Although, I read my bible every day, I learn a lot of extra reading my devotions along with my Bible.

So, what does the Bible say about sinning? James 4:17 reads, “So, whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” 1 John 1:9 reads, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” There are so much scripture on why we should not sin and what happens if we do. There are also many scriptures on how to repent and be forgiven for our sins. I would advise everyone to pay attention to our daily lives and our walk and talk with Jesus and make sure you are doing what is right, in all things. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, glory and praise that belongs to You. We thank You so much that when we sin, knowingly and unknowingly, if we come to You and confess our sins and repent, You will for give us. You are such an awesome and God and we love You so much. We are so thankful and grateful for all that You do for us 24/7. Give us the hearts to follow after You and be obedient to Your Holy Word. Amen.