
Sometimes It’s Not The Devil, It’s Us

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this morning? Well, even though I can’t answer for you, I can truly say I am blessed and highly favored. I can say that because I see God’s blessings and favor in my life everyday. He is a good, good Father. Praise His Holy Name.

Before I get started with this conversation, let me say this. I know I am not the only one that has made a choice, a decision or did or did not do something and things went wrong and we blame the devil. Right, it’s probably not you but you know somebody like that. Well, I can honestly say I have been guilty of that. Although, when I stop and think about how things went, I can see it was all me. I heard a young lady say “Sometimes it’s not the devil, it’s the choices we make.” Can I get an amen on that statement? Because it is so true, just think about it for a minute and let it completely digest.

There have been times that we have all been disobedient to the Father’s instructions and things didn’t go right, our fault. We have made decisions and choices without asking or consulting Him before those decisions and choices were finalized and things went wrong, our fault. There may be some who chose a mate without checking with our Heavenly Father to make sure he or she was the right one. It ended up being the wrong one, now you are in a bad marriage that you are trying to get out of, our fault.

Above are just a few examples of things gone wrong that are entirely our fault. Now, I know the devil is behind a lot of bad things that happen in our lives and I do mean a lot. Although, some things can’t be blamed on him because it was your doing or not doing that caused the problems. This is why it is always good to go before God and get in His presence. Talk with Him, pray, ask questions or whatever you need to do and then wait on His answer. Don’t get ahead of Him and move too fast, wait on Him.

When I think about things in my own life that didn’t go according to the plans. I have to stop and look at whose plans I was following and then I know what happened and why. It saves so much time when we follow the plans that He has for us. He plans out our lives for us, then puts us on that right path that He has chosen for us and all we have to do is follow as He leads and guides us. Maybe we think that’s too easy or too simple. So, we get off the chosen path and complicate things and then we cry and complain or blame the devil.

So, think about the choices and decisions you make. When things go wrong and plans fall through. Stop and think about whose plans you were following and put the blame on the right one. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You this morning in the mighty name of Jesus. Thanking You for the plans you made for us and putting us on the chosen path. We ask that You forgive us for the times we have gotten off of that chosen path. Please continue to lead and guide us on our Christian journey. Holy Spirit help us to be obedient and make our Father proud. Thank You and Amen.

One Comment

  • Reverend/Pastor Patrick

    Amen. I do agree with you. We can sometimes make mess. Leaving God out. Do all things through Christ. Phi. 4/13.