
Sometimes We Talk Too Much

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for a new week in the Lord. I went to church Sunday for the first time in almost 2 years and I so enjoyed seeing my church family. We have all been vaccinated, wore our masks and kept the 6 feet distance seating and we had some good church. Praise God.

We had a good lesson in Sunday school Sunday morning and I want to talk a little about it this morning. If you are not familiar with Nehemiah, I suggest you read the Book of Nehemiah in your Bible. God had given Nehemiah a job to do and gave him instructions. So, Nehemiah knew what he was supposed to do and followed all of God’s instructions. He kept everything God had told him to himself, he didn’t feel the need to go out and discuss it with anybody else. He didn’t even discuss his plans with the people that were going to help him until it was time to do the work. Even when his enemies came against him, he still stood on the Word God had given him and did what he was supposed to do.

Now, how many of us have been given a job to do by God and we go and discuss it with some one else as if we need further approval. We give the enemy room to come and question us and and make us second think what we are supposed to be doing. This is why, when God tells us to do something, we need to just do it. There is no need to discuss it with anyone else, because God doesn’t need approval from anyone. If He said do it, then that’s all you need to know. What God has for you to do is for you and not every one else, it is just for you. Because if the people you are talking to are not on that spiritual level you are on, they are not going to understand. If God wanted them to be included in what He told you, He would have told them too.

So, be very careful in what you share with other people about what God has said to you or told you to do. Don’t give the enemy a chance to make you miss out on a blessing from God for being obedient. Because Nehemiah had great success in doing what God had told him to do, because he was obedient. He trusted God and did what he was instructed to do and in return, God had his back through it all. When we do what Nehemiah did, God will have our back too, every time. Don’t even entertain what the enemy has to say because it is not important and it would probably be a trap. You remember what happened to Eve when she listened to the enemy, he took what God had said and twisted it around and he will do the same thing to us. You know all the devil can do is lie, the truth is not in him so whatever he says to you is a lie.

Just think about the next time you decide to discuss something God told you to do with someone else. Everybody is not going to agree with what you are doing or what God told you to do. Think about the outcome with Nehemiah and do what he did. Trust God, be obedient and be blessed. God Bless 🙂