
Spiritual Cleansing

Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning. How is everyone doing this very cold morning? Take the time to pray and consult God about your day and bundle up to stay warm. Make sure those babies have on their coats, covered heads and gloves before heading off to school. Praise God.

Well, we have made it through January, making it through the month of February. March is right around the corner taking us into Spring, actually March 19th. This is when a lot of people start their Spring Cleaning. There’s the cleaning out of closets, rooms, attics, basements, garages, yards and etc. Whatever has been sitting around all year cluttering, collecting dust and taking up much needed space. Ends up being given away, donated, thrown away or put in a garage sale.

This made me think about a Spiritual Cleansing of our Temple, you know the place where the Holy Spirit dwells. What do we have that has been sitting around on the inside of us cluttering our hearts and our minds. Not doing us any good to keep it or trying to hold on to it. Sometimes even causing other problems within us. Clutter that may be causing stress, sickness and disease, bad attitudes, ill feelings toward someone, unhealthy thoughts, bad habits and the list could go on.

Unhealthy thoughts that we should not be thinking, bad attitudes that we need to adjust, dirty language that we need to clean up, old relationships that are being held on to but should be let go of, ill feelings toward someone that needs to be forgiven, bad habits that are doing nothing good for us. There are all types of bondage’s that need to be broken and ties that need to be untied.

Ask God to remove everything that is not of Him. To remove everything that He did not place in you. Ask Him to fill you with more of Him. Your prayer should be, “Lord, more of You and less of me.” He will give you the right thoughts, the right attitude, the right feelings, the right habits, a clean mouth and a forgiving heart. He will fill you with so much of His Love that it will overflow onto everyone you come in contact with, if you ask Him. Now how awesome would that be? Even though Spring Cleaning begins in March, we don’t have to wait until March. We can start our Spiritual Cleansing right now, right where you are. God Bless 🙂


  • Walter Patrick

    Amen. We can start the Spring Cleaning now. In the month, of February. By the Grace of God. We should be finished by March, 2020. Oh by the way, if you’re thinking about changing your spiritual life. Jesus, Christ, son of the living God. Says it is finished, already for us. Gospel, John, chapter 19, verse 30. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. Just say come in to my heart, Jesus, Christ. Book of Roman’s, chapter 10, verse 9 and 10, confess and believe, shall be saved. Amen. HappyValentine everyone.