
Starting Your New Year With God

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you started this New Year getting before God and thanking Him for another year. God is so good to us and He loves us so much and we should be forever thankful for all that He does for us. Thank You Jesus.

Starting my morning with my Heavenly Father in prayer, reading my devotions and my daily Bible reading and a good cup of coffee. I love having my coffee in the mornings in my favorite coffee cup that has written on it, “Coffee and Jesus.” It makes my morning amazing when I have coffee with Jesus and sit down to spend time with Him and some praise and worship, then begin my blog. What a time, wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Last night as I was getting ready for my very enjoyable soaking bath time, I had thought about lighting one of my calming and relaxing candles. Instead, I decided to put on my favorite praise and worship music and let me tell you, it was so much better than a candle. I sat there for about 20 minutes just praising and worshiping God while soaking and it was amazing. I finished my bath time and continued listening to my praise and worship music and began to journal a little bit. Writing down some thoughts, prayers and some other things that were on my mind. Such an amazing time with my Father.

Instead of making New Year Resolutions this year, I just decided to trust and follow God with my life. Asking for His leading and guidance and the ordering of my footsteps. I have asked for more of Him and less of me, because this is all about Him, not me. I want His Will to be done in my life, being obedient to His every Word and instruction. When I tell you I want to be so close to God, closer than I have ever been. I get overwhelmed just thinking about it, my life belongs to Him and I have given Him complete control, my soul says yes to Him and His Ways and His Will. I totally and completely surrender. my life to my Lord

I don’t know how your started your New Year, I do pray that you started it with God. That is the best choice and decision you could possibly make. When you think about God having the final say in everything and all things, why would you not start your New Year with Him? He knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows what we need more than we know ourselves. He know what tomorrow holds and he knows our future, He knows everything there is to know about you. He knows what you will do before you ever know what you are going to do. He knows your heart and He wants to be the biggest part of your everyday life. So, let Him and be blessed.

Romans 12:12 reads, ” Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

God is your Heavenly Father so allow Him to be a Father to you, Jesus is your Lord and Savior so allow Him to be your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit is your teacher, comforter, your help so allow Him to be all of those things to you. Get in the Word everyday and spend some much needed time with Him, talk to Him, pray to Him, praise and worship Him, read your Bible with Him and then get still and quiet and listen to what He may have to say to you. He loves you and He loves spending time with His children like any Father would. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. You are an amazing Father and we love You so much, thank You for loving us as Your dear children. Thank You for allowing us to see another year and to start it with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Continue to lead, guide and guard us and order our footsteps everyday. We thank You so much for all that You do for us. Amen

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