
Stay Focused

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you all had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week with the Lord. I know I am, because I am excited to see what He has for me and for me to do this week. Can I get an Amen? Amen!

This morning I would like to talk a little about our focus and what we are focused on. I know right now, everyone’s focus is on the news media and keeping up with covid-19. I am not saying that we shouldn’t watch the news and know and keep up with what’s going on around us. We just shouldn’t make that our main focus and all we ever talk or think about. Because when we do that, we have put our focus on the wrong thing.

As a child of God, your focus should always be on our Heavenly Father. Why, because He is in control of everything and He has the final say so in everything. If we spent half of that time in the Word and the other half seeking God, there would be no room for worry or doubt. Because we would be trusting and believing God more and that is what we are supposed to be doing. I know it is hard sometimes not to worry about things, I know. But, this is when we trust God more and remember all of His promises. God said He would never leave us nor forsake us, so that means He is with us all of the time. We just have to believe that and turn our focus on Him.

When we hear something on the news or read something in the media, what do we do? First we believe it, then we share that news whatever it was with our family and friends and we talk about it. We don’t give it a second thought, because it has to be true if it was on the news. Well, can you imagine what would happen if we treated God and His Word the same way. When we read something in the Bible or heard a good Word, we would immediately call up family and friends. Share what we had read or heard and talked about it as well. Now, that would be something to talk about.

All I am saying is to keep your eyes on Jesus, stay focused on Him. Because when you do, He allows you to see things through His eyes. Focus on Him and get to know Him better and allow Him to lead you. He doesn’t make mistakes and He knows what you need more than you know. Trust me, I can look back at different times in my life and know when my focus was on Jesus and when it was not. My every day goal going forward is to keep my focus on Him and not what is going on around me. He knows everything, so why not let Him handle it and you just enjoy the life He gave you.

Remember in the book of Matthew 14:28-30, when Jesus told Peter to get out of the boat and come to Him? As long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on water to go to Jesus. As soon as he took His eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink and cry out to Jesus to help him and Jesus held out His hand and caught him. Then Jesus said to Peter, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When you have time, you can go and read this for yourself. Don’t be a Peter, keep your eyes on Jesus at all times and let Him be your guide. Stay focused! God Bless 🙂

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