
Stay In The House

Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone has been staying safe and following all instructions. Especially following the instructions that our Heavenly Father have given us in His Holy Word. Staying in His Word daily and spending that one on one time with Him in prayer as well as with your family in prayer. Bless the Mighty Name of Jesus.

As of today, if you are not on lock down and having to stay in , you will be soon. So, instead of complaining because you can’t get out of the house and move around as you are used to doing. Take this time to slow down and rest. If you can remember correctly, before the coronavirus, we would always complain about being tired, having to do too much, always being tired from working so much, tired of having to run here and there, always somewhere to go and something to do. We would even be so busy at times, we wouldn’t even have time to spend with God and that is just being too busy. So now, you can slow down, get some rest and have plenty of time to spend with God, seeking His Face.

Take this time to spend that much needed time with your family, your children, your spouse. Since our children are having to do school at home, now is a good time to incorporate that Bible class in there too. Make the Bible a part of their everyday learning. Teaching them about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Making them read the Bible and memorize some scriptures so they can get that Word down on the inside. So, when they are faced with issues and you are not around. They will know how to call on the Name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit will bring that Word forth that is on the inside of them.

In other words, use some of this down time for God. Getting in the Word and see what God is saying about all of this mess that is going on in the world today. Trust me, it is in the Bible, we were warned about things like this. Now, it is upon us and we don’t know what to do or how to handle it. I think we all know by now that God is not pleased with the way we have been living our lives and walking away from Him. Well, now is the time to fall on our face and ask for forgiveness and get in the Word and get it right this time around. Isaiah 26:20 reads. “Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by.” So, there you have it, straight from the Word of God. Go in the house and shut the doors behind you and stay there until all of this is over.

Just don’t allow yourself to be fearful and afraid, try to stay joyful and at peace through all of this. Because the Joy of the Lord is your strength and if you lose your joy, you lose your strength. God said He will never leave us, He is with us wherever we go. So, remember that , believe and trust God. There is nothing else you can do. God Bless 🙂


  • Walter patrick

    Amen. Sister. Agree with every thing. You said. Adding this, Philipians, 4/6. Everything by prayer and supplication. Plus, 1 Thessalonians, 5/17. Pray without ceasing. Have a blessed day.