
Stop, Look And Listen

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you started your day going before the Father for your daily instructions. Being obedient and preparing to be blessed and to be a blessing. Thank You Jesus.

This morning my daughter was asking me if I had seen all of the horrific things that were going on in Israel? Then she proceeded to tell me about the attacks and showed me a few pictures that looked like a war zone. There were over 345 rockets fired into Israel. The people in Israel are asking people to pray for them. It was very heart breaking to look at those pictures and know that families were being bombed and killed. Then, you have India that’s dealing with a very bad spread of Coronavirus and people area dying for lack of oxygen. Patients and doctors are dying and they are asking for help and prayers.

We need to stop, look and listen to what is going on in this world and pray. It may not be here in our country, but it could be. We as Christians need to be on our faces and praying for this world and for people to get right with God. All of the things that are happening are all pointing to the end times. Whether you want to believe it or not, I believe we are living in the end times and Jesus could return at any time. The stage is being set for the second coming of the Lord and it will happen where you are ready or not. All you have to do is to just look around you at everything that is happening all over the world today. All of the destruction and devastation, all of the people turning from God, all of the violence and killing, children turning against their parents and I could go on and on.

When the coronavirus started in China, we didn’t think we would be facing it here in the United States but we did. We may not be seeing a lot of things in the United States that we are witnessing in other countries, but we could. This is why it is so important to stay before God and connected to God. Read your Bible and pray for you and your families and for others, pray for this world. The bombing of Israel could just be the beginning of bombings in other places, even the United States. The devil doesn’t play fare and he knows that his time is very short, so he will steal, kill and destroy whatever he can and as much as he can. John 10:10 reads, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” If you haven’t already, now is the time to fall on your knees and cry out to God.

Just look at all of the deaths that have taken place from the spread of the coronavirus in the United States. As of May 12, 2021 it shows 33,552,055 cases of covid-19, 596,989 deaths and 26,558,229 recovered. People used to ask when were we going to have a vaccine for covid-19? Now we have a vaccine for covid-19 and people won’t take it for so many reasons. Sometimes you just can’t satisfy some people no matter what you do or don’t do. This is why I cannot stress how important it is to have a good relationship with God. Stay prayed up and stay connected to Him, trust and believe for Him to take care of you and your family. Do all that you are supposed to do and trust God to do what you have no control over. People, this is serious, this is very real stuff and it is not getting any better in this world. Just take a minute to stop moving so fast, look at all that is going on in this world and listen to what is being said. Then when all is said and done, pray. God is the only answer to all of the destruction in this world. God Bless 🙂

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