
Stop! Take A Break and Rest

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to step into what God has for you this week. Ready and expecting His many blessings and prepared to be a blessing to others along the way. Praise God.

Today I am privileged to be writing my blog from the country and it is so beautiful here. When my husband and I came home from off of the road, we went to spend some time with his Mom and Dad. They live in the country and I so enjoy spending time there. In the midst of a lot of trees and green foliage and all of Mom’s beautiful flowers and yard decor. Sitting out in the yard under a big tree under the big white fluffy clouds and blue sky with a cool breeze blowing, it’s a little piece of heaven right here on earth.

This is what I call truly resting in the Lord, just relaxing and enjoying all of God’s creations. In these days and times, we have to stop and smell the roses as people say. We get so caught up in this world and all that is going on, the busyness of everything around us. Trying to stay safe and being careful in the midst of all of this stuff going around, all of these viruses. There comes a time when we need to stop and just be still, slow down, relax and breathe.

Exodus 33:14 reads, “And He said, “My presence shall go with you and I will give you rest.” So, He goes with us wherever we go and He will give us rest, His rest. Resting in God in the midst of His creations are like no other rest I have ever known. Take the time to get somewhere and get still and enjoy what God has created for us to enjoy. Being out on the road with my husband and seeing so many beautiful sights just makes me appreciate even more of who God is in my life. Looking at all of His amazing handy work and praising and worshiping Him in the midst of awesome sunsets and sunrises. Or watching a far off rain shower moving toward you in the midst of a prayer and Bible reading is so heart touching. I know I probably sound a little soft hearted, but that is the only way I can explain it, simply beautiful.

I know my blog is not as long as they usually are, but I came inside to post this. Yes, I could have sat outside and posted my blog but it probably would have taken forever. There are so many wonderful distractions outside, so I thought it would be best to come inside. Now, I think I will go back outside and continue to enjoy this beautiful weather and scenery, along with a chocolate covered ice cream bar. God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • willie moore

    your blog is so real when you rest in God every thing is beautiful . The chocolate cover ice-cream on a stick took you way back when you was a little kid smile mom