
Take Some Time To Rest

Happy Monday! It’s that time once again, to go out and let the world see Jesus in us. Smile, speak and share a kind word and make someone else’s day. I also pray everyone had an awesome weekend as well.

My husband is in transportation and he came home this weekend. We had planned this weekend and had been looking forward to it for some time now. Because of his work schedule and being on the road away from home all the time, we always have to plan for his time off. He has been wanting to get in some fishing, so we planned our weekend fishing trip and it was amazing.

We spent the weekend in the country, in the midst of God’s creation. It was so beautiful and so peaceful. The only sounds heard were, birds chirping, crickets, bull frogs, just the beautiful sounds of nature. I just stood there for a while taking it all in. There is nothing like being in the country and just admiring God’s work, no words to describe that feeling. No loud vehicles, no traffic, no loud noise of any kind, just the sounds of nature. Surrounded by big trees and flowers and breathing in that fresh air. The sun was bright and there was a cool breeze always blowing, just enough to keep outdoor activities nice.

I heard Pastor Joseph Prince say, “when we work, God rests, but when we rest, God works.” We all have to take the time to rest and allow God to do what He does without us messing in it. He doesn’t need us to do anything when He works in our lives but to stay out of His way. Life can get very busy and overwhelming at times. We have to schedule time away from all of that busyness sometimes to rest. If God, our Creator, had a day of rest after all He had done, don’t you think we need a day of rest as well?

So, take my advise and rest. Even if you can’t get away to the country, just take a little time and breath and get away somewhere. A quiet and peaceful place and rest in God and allow Him to work in your life. We were so glad that we took that time, we didn’t want to leave when it was time to go. We are already talking about and planning our next rest. I suggest you do the same, you will be so glad you did. God Bless 🙂

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