
Teach Your Children About God

Good Monday Moring Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week and ready to move forward with God. Getting before Him before you start your day and wait for your instructions for an awesome week. Thank You Jesus.

This morning I repost of a blog I posted back in March of this year. It was on my heart to repost it, so that is what I did.

Two of my grandchildren spent the weekend with me, ages 10 and 14. So, we were having a conversation about what children their age talk about. Which is usually videos, video games, tiktok, you tube, music, dances and on an on. Now, I will sit there and listen to them but they do know, after that conversation, we will talk about where God is in all of that. They already know when they come to NaaNaa’s, they have to bring their bibles and we will have bible time.

So, yesterday we were talking about what God expects of them as children. How He expects them to act, obeying their parents, doing good in school, having respect for others, watch what comes out of their mouth, what they set before their eyes and listen to, how they treat each other as brother and sister, the kinds of friends they have and having a relationship with God. We talked about them reading and studying their bibles everyday and spending that one on one time with God. Praying every morning when they get up and before they go to bed and before they eat. Praying for their family as well as praying for themselves and others.

As parents and grandparents, these are the same things our children and grandchildren should be seeing us do everyday. We should allow them to see us reading and studying our bible and building that one on one relationship with God. Our relationship with God should make our children want to have a relationship with God, not just for what He does but for who He is. Take time to sit down and read the bible with them, allowing them to ask questions about what they don’t understand. Make sure they know the importance of their relationship with God. They don’t just need to know about God and that there is a God, they need to KNOW God personally.

I know my daughter reads and studies her bible and she has a good relationship with God. So, she takes the time to sit down with my grandchildren and listen to them while they read. Then explain to her what they read to make sure they understood. This is what all of us as parents with children still at home should be doing. Then when they visit their grandparents, they are getting the same thing there too. We have to help our children get prepared for the Christian life God expects them to live. They will not know what those expectations are if they don’t get in the bible and find out. So please, if you are not doing so, please teach your children about God and how to get before Him for themselves, how to pray and talk to God. Teach them how to stay connected to God and trust Him for those times when you are not around to do it for them. God Bless