
Thank You Father

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. It is such a blessing to be able to share the Word of God each morning with you and I am so thankful for the opportunity to do so. I pray that the blogs that I post each morning will be a blessing to you, because it is definitely a blessing to me. I have found out that over these past 3 years of blogging, when the Holy Spirit gives me my blog message, a lot of times it is for me, not just for my readers. So, I am so thankful for the messages that are given to us on a daily basis. Thank You Jesus.

Today I just want to tell my Heavenly Father thank You, for everything and all things that He has done, doing and will do in my life. So, please join in with me and let’s just have a “Father I Thank You” moment blog this morning. Praise God.

Father, I have so much to be thankful for that I know that I can’t name it all in this blog. You have been so good to me and my husband, our children and their spouses and families, our grand and great grandchildren and their families, our brothers and sisters and their families, Mom and Dad and their families and all of our family members, loved ones, relatives and friends and their families. You are an amazing God and Father and I can’t say thank You enough for all You do and for who You are in our lives.

You keep Gary and I safe out here on this road as he does his job everyday, giving us Your traveling grace. Getting us where we are going safely, keeping us safe while we are there and getting us back safely. Always keeping us in the right places and the right times, You being our refuge and our fortress. Keeping all harm and danger away from us and wherever it is we may be. Also keeping harm and danger away from our families and loved ones as well, no matter where they may be. You are such a good and loving Father and I just want to take the time to say Thank You.

Thank You for waking us up every morning and giving us another opportunity to spend the day with You. I am so thankful that each morning I get up, I am able to spend time with you before I start my day. You are always wherever I am, patiently waiting for me and I am so grateful that You are. I start my day talking with You and continue talking with You throughout my day and You are always right there, waiting. I love You so much that sometimes I get overwhelmed when I dwell on the Love that You have for me. It is so amazing.

Thank You Father for keeping us whole, healthy, healed and complete in Jesus. Thank You for keeping us all safe, washed and cleansed in the Blood of Jesus every day. Thank You for Psalm 91 our Prayer of Protection and all of the Word that we can take and stand on daily. If I had 10,000 tongues and said Thank You every second of the day, it still would not be enough for all You do in the lives of Your children. I love you so much and Thank You for who You are and for all that You have done. all that You are doing and all that You will do. Thank You for Jesus my Lord and Savior and Thank You for the Holy Spirit who is my Helper, Comforter and my Teacher.

Well, Blog Family I pray that you took the time to just stop and say Thank You to our Heavenly Father. I know that sometimes we get busy with life and don’t have time for the things we should make time for. Like taking time to say Thank You to the One that gave you that life. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Asking that you help each of us to have a thankful heart and to always remember to tell You thank you for all that You do and for who You are in our lives. Not just when You are answering prayer or sending down a blessing, help us to be able to say thank You when it seems like we can’t hear You or feel Your Presence. Help us to have a thankful heart toward you, always. Thank You Father and Amen.

One Comment

  • Sedricka Robinson

    Yes Lord that was A THANK YOU GOD MOMENT…I love this, and I am so thankful God keep you and Gary safe on them roads.