
Thankful, Grateful and Appreciative of God

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and all of the Mother’s had an awesome Mother’s Day. Praise God.

This morning I have the privilege of sitting on my patio and writing my blog in this beautiful and sunny weather. The sun is shining, a nice cool breeze blowing, the dew on the grass sparkling like diamonds and the roses next to the patio just adds to the already beautiful scenery. God is so good and I love these mornings that He blesses us to be a part of, I am so thankful, grateful and appreciative of all that He does and makes possible for His children. Something as simple as a beautiful morning to share with Him.

Sometimes this is all that we need when the world gets to be too much. Just get to yourself in your special spot with the Father and just sit in His presence. You don’t even have to say anything, just sit and be quiet and just wait on the Father to speak to you because He will. You don’t always have to pray, or ask for something or talk about your problems. The Father loves spending time with His children and we should love spending time with Him. I can’t speak for everybody, but when I spend time in His presence you just want to stay there forever. I just feel so at peace and feel energized and ready to go forward in Him.

It is so important that as children of God, we have to spend time with the Father. We can become so busy with our daily lives and all the world has to offer. Being so caught up in things that can’t do anything for us, although we think that’s what we need. When you realize that Jesus is all that you need, you will be so much happier and living in the peace of God. Nothing can be compared to the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and who They are in our lives. If you are a real true Christian and the Trinity has control of your life, you have it all. Being obedient and following all instructions that They give us, what more can we ask for? NOTHING!!!

This is why I can say I am truly thankful, grateful and appreciative of all that is done for me. God knows my heart and He knows I love Him and I spend time with Him just to be in His presence, not always asking for something. I only want the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all that They have for me and to be in their presence. I have finally realized after many years that They are all that I need and as I said, They are all that I want. So, this is why I feel like I am so blessed because I am, truly blessed. I may not have a lot of money or a lot of material things, and I am ok with that. Because He makes sure I have just what I need to live the life that He has for me and I just fine with that. He gives me what I need and a little extra to bless others. That’s just the kind of God we serve. He loves us just that much.

Psalm 100:5 reads, “The Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all that You have done, all that You are doing and all that we know You will continue to do in the lives of your children. Giving You all of the Praise, Honor and Glory that belongs to You. We are so thankful, grateful and appreciative for everything and all things that You do. You have proven in so many ways just how much You love us and how much You want us to have everything that You have for us. Thank You so much for all that You do and never leaving us, ever. Amen.