
That Morning Addiction

The definition of addiction reads, “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.” So, what is your morning addiction? What is that one thing you have to do or have in the morning as soon as your eyes open? Is it that first cup of coffee, a nicotine product, morning talk show, checking face book or texting a friend? We all have a morning addiction.

This topic for my blog was given to me this morning in the midst of me thinking about a cup of coffee. I woke up this morning and my first thought was, I am going to get up and make me a cup of coffee. Then I will have my prayer and devotion time and start writing my blog. As I lay there, I was asking for my blog topic and I was immediately given “that morning addiction.”

So, that made me start thinking about my morning addiction, which is that first cup of coffee. I had never looked at it that way before. Some mornings I wake up, I say Good Morning Father, Good Morning Jesus, Good Morning Holy Spirit and Good Morning Angels. Being thankful for a good night sleep and a blessed morning. I don’t do this every morning when my eyes open, but I should. Talking to my Heavenly Father should happen automatically when He opens my eyes every morning.

What if our morning addiction was seeking God as soon as He (not us) opened our eyes? Thanking Him for waking us up and keeping us safe through the night. Thanking Him for another day that was not promised to us. Giving Him our day and listening for His instructions. Think about the type of day we would have. Blessed, prosperous and victorious. God Bless 🙂