
The Beginning Of A Blessed Week

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, it’s Monday morning once again, the beginning of another blessed week. Even though this is the first day of a new week and because I know what kind of God we serve, I can know the week is already blessed. So, if my week is blessed, that means I am blessed, so let me get out here and be a blessing. Praise His Holy Name.

This weekend I had the privilege of attending a Woman’s Conference and the theme was “The Provervbs 31 Woman” and it was amazing. I just love it when God’s daughters get together and praise and worship Him, all on one accord. let me tell you, there were things loosed and broken during that time, chains were broken and healing was taking place. It was amazing.

God is so good and so faithful all of the time and I just get overwhelmed sometimes when I think about His goodness. He is so amazing and I love Him so much, not because of what He does, it’s because I know He loves me even more. He is so full of love for us and forgiveness, grace and mercy and He is always there with open arms. As Chris Tomlin say’s in his song, He is a Good Good Father and that He is. I am just so glad that I belong to Him and He is in complete control of me, my life, my family and anything that has to do with me. I am so grateful and so thankful for Him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I woke up this morning to sunshine and birds chirping and a nice cool breeze, so amazing. I absolutely love being in the country and the atmosphere that comes with it. God’s creation is so beautiful, especially in a country setting. So, I am sitting here with my delicious cup of coffee and writing my blog glancing out the back glass door at a lot of trees surrounding a small pond. Now, you can imagine what kind of morning I am trying to describe, just love it.

You know, anytime I sit and read and study the Word, read my devotions, listen to my praise and worship music or just spend time with my Heavenly Father, it is a blessing to me. When I do those same things in the country, it is a totally different feeling, I don’t know why but it is. If you live in the country then you probably know what I am talking about. If you don’t live in the country, visit someone who does and then you will know and experience what I am talking about. Praise God.

I know I didn’t share any scripture this morning or talk about the Word as I usually do. I just wanted you to be a part of this beautiful morning that God has blessed me to be a part of. Although, I talked about our Heavenly Father and all of His Love He has for us. So, we will be back to the norm tomorrow.

Now, I am going to get up and cook me a little breakfast and enjoy my day in the Lord. Please, please, please spend some of this beautiful day with Him. Put aside all distractions and enjoy all of these blessings that He has surrounded us with. Enjoy your blessed day. God Bless 🙂