
The Christmas Star

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We are half way way through another glorious week. Thanking God everyday that we are safe, protected and washed clean through the Blood of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Praise God.

I wanted to share something with you I found very interesting. I was looking through the news topics that are new on my phone every morning and one of them caught my attention. Many of you may have already read about it, but for those who have not I will share it. The topic was, “Christmas Star will be closest visible conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years.” So, of course that got my attention and I read the article to see what they were talking about. Apparently, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will draw very close together appearing to be one large star in the sky.

This will happen on December 21, 2020 and it has not happened in 800 years. So, this one large star is called the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem,” the same star that was seen by the Three Wise Men, which were astrologers. In my research of the Christmas Star or Bethlehem Star and the Three Wise Men. I read that the star was an astronomical sign that signified the prophecy of the Jewish King, Jesus.

Well, I don’t know if this is the same star or not, but it was interesting to read about. Don’t know if I will be able to look up into the sky on the night of December 21st and see this very large star, but I will be watching for it. I think it’s pretty neat that this has not been seen for 800 years, and it is appearing again now. I think it’s even more amazing that it appears in the year 2020, the year that has brought so much unhappiness, grief, pain, loss and even destruction to many.

So, if you have the chance and don’t forget, look up to the night sky on December 21, 2020 and see if you can see the “Christmas Star.” I will be watching and imagining what that night long ago was like for the shepherds in the field and the Three Wise Men. When they first looked upon the face of the Baby Jesus. God Bless 🙂

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