
The Evidence Is There

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. So thankful for another opportunity this morning to spend with God in order to start my day. I got up and walked my 2 miles this morning with Him, I prayed, I talked and listened. Then I listened to my praise and worship music that glorifies Him and now I am ready to write my blog and continue on with a blessed day. Thank You Jesus.

I listened to a video that LaShun Pace had made before she went home to be with the Lord. She was talking about God telling her to tell His people we need to pray. It was a very heart felt and serious talk and I listened to all of it. What she was saying made a lot of sense and so true. She said if people are spending more time on their phones, watching tv and other things and not giving God equal or more of our time, then something is wrong. Sadly to say, this is not just the people of the world, it is God’s children as well.

Children of God, we need to come before Him every day in prayer and to just spend some time with Him. Our Heavenly Father loves to spend time with His children, just as most earthly Fathers enjoy spending time with their children. There should be nothing more important in your life than spending time with the Father. You should actually make getting before before God your top priority, something you should look forward to everyday with excitement. Because when you have that one on one relationship with God and you are spending quality time with Him. You should be excited to see what He has in store for you, He is always waiting to bless us.

You can pretty much always tell when a person has a very active prayer life and a good relationship with God. There is just something about that person, they are always full of peace and joy and very pleasant to be around. They are usually talking about and uplifting God in most of their conversations because they love God and He is a big part of their life. I know my husband tells me I could talk about God and His Word all day every day. As I tell him, when that is what you put in everyday then that is what comes out and I gladly took what he said as a compliment. Yes, I love God and His Word and I am so happy and full of joy when I am talking about Him. It makes me feel so good inside and I know that I am pleasing Him. Praise God.

Having an active prayer life and a good relationship with God will show up in your every day life if it is real. You won’t have to tell people you are a Christian because your relationship with Him would show up in your life, people would see it and hear it. My life goal is to live my life in a way that pleases my Father and when the time comes for me to stand before Him, I want to hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” It is very important to have a good prayer life and follow the path He has set you on. The EVIDENCE of your PRAYER LIFE will show through your every day life. Remeber what God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” It’s time to pray Children of God. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Giving You all of the honor, glory and praise that You deserve. Thank You for always being there for us when we come to You in prayer or to just spend time with You, forgive us when we choose to do other things. Help us to make prayer the top priority in our lives every day. Thank You and Amen.